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The goal of this review is to highlight,  in brief
                                                              account, the  major  cytokines  involved in  different
                                                              liver damage  and discuss their basic biology and
                                                              clinical applications.

                                                              Cytokines and alcoholic liver disease
                                                              Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) is a major cause of
                                                              morbidity and mortality worldwide. Chronic alcohol
                                                              consumption leads to hepatocellular  injury, fat
                                                              accumulation, and liver inflammation and sometimes
                                                              leads to liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma
                                                              (HCC) [Figure 5].  In the liver, TNF-α is mainly
                                                              produced by  KC.   The  role of TNF-α  as  a critical
                                                              inflammatory cytokine in the progression of ALD is
                                                              well known.  KC secrete inflammatory cytokines
                                                              and reactive oxygen species (ROS)  which activate
                                                              cells such as hepatocytes, HSCs,  and endothelial
                                                              cells.  After chronic alcohol consumption, KC exhibit
                                                              enhanced sensitivity  to lipopolysaccharide  (LPS)
                                                              -stimulated TNF-α production.  Elevated serum
                                                              levels of TNF-α inducible cytokines or chemokines,
                                                              including IL-6, IL-8, and IL-18, have also been reported
                                                              in patients with alcoholic hepatitis.  Serum TNF-α
                                                              is increased in patients with ALD and correlates with
                                                              mortality. Treatment with pentoxifylline (an inhibitor
                                                              of TNF-α synthesis) improved the survival of patients
           Figure 3: Interleukin 1 (IL-1) antagonism: IL-1 activity at the receptor may be   with severe alcoholic  hepatitis (AH).  Anti-TNF-α
           blocked either by (a) competitive inhibition by IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra)
           or by (b) soluble forms of the type II receptor that bind to free IL-1  antibody, infliximab,  is also effective in severe AH
                                                              patients.  These  results  suggest  that  TNF-α plays
           of  α and  β in the circulation. Additionally, cellular
                                                              an important role in the progression of ALD.
           receptors for both  IL-1  and tumor  necrosis  factor
           (TNF) exist in soluble forms, after being cleaved from   IL-6 appears to have some beneficial effects on the
                                                              liver. IL-6 may protect against hepatocyte apoptosis
           the cell surface, and are able to bind and neutralize   and participates  in  mitochondrial DNA  repair  after

           the cytokine [Figure 4]. [15]                      alcoholic  liver injury.  IL-6 may promote human

           Figure 4: Maintained activity by soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R); ligation of IL-6 with its membrane binding protein (IL-6R) results in association of the complex
           with a 130 kDa signal transduction glycoprotein (gp130). When cleaved from the cell surface, the IL-6/sIL-6R complex remains able to bind and activate gp130

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