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cells stimulated  with  schistosome  antigen  (Ag)   Human liver contains an uncommonly high number
           are significantly associated with the presence of   of NKT cells that participate in the early regulation
           hepatosplenomegaly. [75,76]  As  hepatosplenic disease   of Thl/Th2 cell differentiation  through  the  release
           is a long-term complication of schistosomiasis and   of IFN-γ and IL-4. Moritoki et al. [81]  and Solari et al.
           is considered to be indicative of severe hepatic and   found an increased number of Vα24 positive cells
           periportal fibrosis, it is conceivable that the immune   and transcripts coding for this invariant Vα24 chain
           mechanisms responsible for this lesion occur much   in the liver of PAIH patients, pointing to a probable
           earlier during infection and precede the downstream   involvement of these regulatory cells as mediators of
           development of hepatosplenomegaly.  In addition    the hepatocellular injury in PAIH.
           Schistosoma japonicum significantly activates collagen
           deposition and hepatic stellate cell in the liver,   Cytokines and hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and cellular
           however, fibrosis was accompanied by increased     carcinoma
           IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ, IL-12, TNF-α, and IL-10 mRNA   Chronic hepatic injury is  associated with both
           expression  as well as decreased the expression  of   liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. [71]  Several cytokines
           IL-4,  IL-5 mRNA,  natural killer group 2 member  D   and ROS, produced in the injured liver by resident
           (NKG2D)  mRNA and tumor necrosis factor related    macrophages and infiltrating leukocytes during
           apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). [77]            inflammatory conditions, cause transformation of the
                                                              quiescent HSCs into the activated phenotype, which
           Cytokines and autoimmune hepatitis                 is responsible for fibrosis, cirrhosis and cancer. [71,83]
           Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an inflammatory liver
           disorder, characterized by female preponderance,   The perisinusoidal retinoid- storing quiescent HSCs
           hypergammaglobulinaemia  and interface hepatitis   physiologically regulate liver architecture and blood
           on histology. AIH is associated with impairment of   flow by  producing components of extracellular
           regulatory  T-cells,   a lymphocyte subset  key  in   matrix and contractility respectively. During hepatic
           maintaining immune-tolerance to autoantigens. [79]  injury, HSCs transform into retinoid-free proliferating
                                                              myofibroblast-like  cells (activated HSCs,  aHSCs),
           Limited  data are available for the participation of   which express  α-smooth  muscle  actin  (α-SMA).
           cytokines in the development of AIH. In a previous   aHSCs are highly fibrogenic and contractile, and
           study, Chernavsky et al. [80]  analyzed the expression of   play major role in causing architectural damage and

           cytokines in liver biopsies from pediatric autoimmune   portal hypertension. [83]
           hepatitis (PAIH) patients in comparison  with liver
           control samples obtained from cadaveric  liver     A  phenomenon  of  aHSCs  rapid  apoptosis  was
           donors. While the expression of IFN-γ and IL-12p40   observed among the proliferating cells during
           was not detectable in control livers, it was clearly   CCl -induced active fibrosis.  During inflammatory
           unregulated,  and showed an increased expression   liver injury, ROS are produced  by resident
           of IL-18, IL-4 and the 1L-12 β2 chain receptor in PAIH   macrophages and infiltrating blood cells, particularly
           patients. The unexpected increase of mRNA for IL-4,   neutrophils.  ROS-induced increased expressions of
           a typical Th2 cytokine, was found in conjunction with   α-SMA, collagen I and collagen III in rat and human
           a severe  histological inflammation  in AIH.  The up   HSCs  indicate  their  role in  HSC  activation and
           regulation of IL-4 in PAIH but not in another disease   fibrosis. While investigating the actions of ROS on
           clearly suggests a more complex immunopathologic   aHSCs it is noted that superoxide (SO) reduced their
           mechanism.                                         viability revealing that SO causes apoptosis of aHSCs
                                                              that involves mitochondrial release of cytochrome-C,
           Th2 cytokines activate B cells and induce their    activation  of caspase-3 and increased  expression
           differentiation into antibody-producing cells. Liver-  of Bax.  During inflammation, the activated
           infiltrat ing autoreactive B cells, in addition to their   inflammatory  cells produce  fibrogenic  cytokines
           role in producing autoantibodies, also play a critical   and growth factors that  activate  HSCs.   The  role
           role in the development of fibrosis. The mechanism   of cytokine gene polymorphism in the progression
           of suppressing  fibrosis  by  B-cell depletion is   of liver  fibrosis  or development of cirrhosis  in
           independent of antibodies  or T cells, raising  the   patients with hepatic diseases has been investigated
           possibility that cytokines, produced  or induced by   extensively. Yee et al.   indicated that  TNF2 (-238A)
           autoimmune B cell, are responsible for fibrosis in   and TNF3 (-308A)  alleles are frequently found in
           autoimmune diseases targeting the liver. [81]      patients with cirrhosis in chronic HCV infection.

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