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Cytokines and fatty liver disease
                                                               Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now the
                                                               most frequent chronic liver disease that occurs across
                                                               all age groups and is recognized to occur in 14-30%
                                                               of the  general population, representing  a serious
                                                               and growing  clinical problem  due to the  growing
                                                               prevalence of obesity  and overweight.  The first
                                                               manifestation of hepatic injury is the accumulation
                                                               of fat within  hepatocytes (steatosis), this  is
                                                               followed by the development of necroinflammatory
                                                               (steatohepatitis) activity that leads to cirrhosis. [33]

                                                               The importance of cytokines as molecular
                                                               effectors in liver damage has been particularly
                                                               well demonstrated in patients and animals ranging
                                                               from steatosis to cirrhosis. TNF-α is involved in the
                                                               progression from steatohepatitis to cirrhosis, since
                                                               it promotes activation of stellate cells, matrix-gene
                                                               expression, and matrix remodeling.  Recent studies
                                                               have indicated that deficiency of IL-1α in KC reduces
                                                               liver inflammation and expression of inflammatory
                                                               cytokines, which may implicate KC-derived IL-1α in
                                                               steatohepatitis development. [35]

            Figure 5: The natural history of alcoholic liver disease. Chronic ethanol   Obesity, especially visceral adiposity, is a major risk
            consumption leads to fatty liver for more than 90%. But only up to 40% of this   [36]
            population develops more severe forms of alcoholic liver disease, including   factor for NASH in humans.  Adipose tissue  is  a
            fibrosis and alcoholic hepatitis. Continuous ethanol consumption finally leads   source of free  fatty  acids (FFA) that  are  delivered
            to liver cirrhosis or HCC and leads to death. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma
                                                               to the liver and a depot  for triglycerides that are
            thymus derived monocytes helper 17  (Th17)         synthesized  by hepatocytes and released into the
            differentiation and IL-17 production, therefore    blood. As producers of TNF-α and IL-6, adipocytes are
            contributing to ethanol induced liver inflammation.   considered a component of the immune system.
            IL-6 is also released along with IL-10, TNF-α and other   Visceral fat, which appears to be less “mature” than
            cytokines by KC after alcohol consumption. IL-6 and   subcutaneous  fat,  produces more  TNF-α  and free
            IL-10 are two cytokines that play roles in reducing   fatty acids but less adiponectin than subscutaneous
            alcoholic liver  injury  and inflammation.   Elevated   fat. Adiponectin antagonizes both the production and
            IL-6 is found in patients with ALD.  On the other   activity of TNF-α; thus the effect of this cytokine is
            hand, IL-6 knockout mice fed chronic alcohol showed   potentiated when adiponectin is scarce. In addition,
            increased liver fat accumulation, lipid peroxidation,   TNF-α inhibits adiponectin. Adiponectin also inhibits
            mitochondrial DNA damage, and sensitization  of    synthesis and uptake of FFA by hepatocytes, while
            hepatocytes to TNF-α induced apoptosis, which was   stimulating FA oxidation enhancing their sensitivity
                                                               to insulin. The combination of low adiponectin and
            prevented by the administration of recombinant IL-6. [29]   high TNF-α levels in the context of increased hepatic
            These findings suggest that IL-6 has a protective effect   exposure to FFA results in hepatic steatosis and
            at the early phase of ALD. Furthermore, IL-17 can act   severe hepatic insulin resistance. [38]
            with other cytokines to activate NF-kB which plays a
            central role in regulating genetic transcription and   Leptin, as one of adipocyte secretions, together with
            encoding of inflammatory cytokines, and induce IL-  its receptor share structural and functional similarities
            8. Recently it was shown that patients with ALD had   with the IL-6 family of cytokines, and leptin appears
            higher  IL-17 plasma levels  compared with  healthy   to play a critical role in the inflammatory response by
            subjects. [30]  IL-1α is also a potent  proinflammatory   stimulating leukocyte proliferation and the resulting
            cytokine. In both animal model and patient with ALD,   increased  plasma  levels  of  the  proinflammatory
            the levels of pro-IL-1β are significantly increased in   cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-α. [39]   These cytokines
            the liver and serum. [31]                          influence nitric  oxide [40]  that  induces free  radicals

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