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Folic acid                                          period, the media was replaced with media containing either
          Folic acid was quantified at the South African Bureau of   20 or 40 μg/mL A. hybridus and incubated for another 24 h
          Standards (Pretoria, South Africa). A standard method for the   which was followed by the mycotoxin exposure routine, but
          microbiological assay of folic acid in foods and pharmaceutical   for only the 48 h period. The controls included (1) 11 wells
          products was followed according to Barton-Wright  and   with cells and nutrient medium only for the duration of the
          AOAC. [25]                                          entire experiment (when media was replaced, their media
                                                              was replaced with fresh nutrient medium) and (2) 6 wells with
          Quantifi cation of fatty acids                       cells and plant extract containing media only. The mycotoxin
          Fatty acids were identified and quantified by use of gas   exposures were dosed in triplicate.
          chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry system
          with split-less injection. An Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph   The viability of H4IIE-luc cells was determined using the
          ported to a 5973 mass selective detector (CA, USA) was used   methyl thiazol tetrazolium (MTT) salt assay in which the
          according to the method described by van der Walt et al. [17]  mitochondria of live cells metabolize the yellow MTT
                                                              into blue formazan.  A final concentration of 500 μg/mL
          Mineral and trace element analysis                  MTT was incubated for 30 min and blue formazan crystals
          Minerals and trace elements were quantified by use of   dissolved with dimethyl sulfoxide. The absorbance was
          an Agilent 7500c inductively coupled argon plasma mass   measured spectrophotometrically at 560 nm. The amount
          spectrometer as described by van der Walt et al.  Three   of formazan gives an estimation of the proportion of
          separate samples were analyzed and values were reported   viable cells. The percentage of viable to dead cells was
          as the mean ± SD in mg/100 g dm.                    calculated by comparison with a control (untreated and
                                                              solvent control). The MTT assay assessed the viability of
          Cytotoxicity measurements                           H4IIE-luc cells that were subjected to the two A. hybridus
          The mammalian model was rat hepatoma cells (H4IIE-luc) that   extract concentration treatments compared to the viability
          had been transfected stably with a firefly luciferase reporter   of cells that were not treated with A. hybridus extracts prior
          gene under control of the dioxin response element and thus   to mycotoxin exposure.
          the aryl hydrocarbon receptor mechanism.  These cells had
          originally been developed as a reporter gene assay to detect   DNA extraction
          and semi-quantify the levels of certain groups of persistent   Cells were harvested by first washing away non-adherent
          organic pollutants.  Since these cells are essentially still   dead cells with PBS before trypsinizing (0.25% trypsin, 0.1%
          mammalian cells, they were useful to assess whether extracts   versene ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) adherent cells.
          of selected A. hybridus can be protective against AFB  and FB    Enzyme activity was stopped by the addition of media. The
                                                    1     1
          or their mixture.                                   cell suspension was centrifuged for 5 min (300 g) at room
                                                              temperature. The genomic DNA was extracted from the cells,
          Cells were seeded with a density of 1.0 × 10  cells/mL media   according to the Qiagen instruction manual. The concentration
          in the inner 60 wells of a 96-well microplate. Growth medium   of DNA was determined by photometry  (NanoDrop ND-1000
          was Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Sigma, D2902)   Spectrophotometer) and the purity of the DNA was judged by
          supplemented with 0.044 mol/L NaHCO  and 10% fetal bovine   examining the ratio of absorbency at 260/280 nm. [28]
          serum (Gibco). The volume in each well was 250 μL. The
          outer cells received 250 μL Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered   Random amplifi ed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain
          saline (PBS) to create a homogenous microclimate across all   reaction analysis
          wells containing cells and incubation conditions were 37 °C   Amplification of DNA fragments was carried out on an
          in a humidified 5% CO :air mixture. The plates were seeded   ICycler (Bio-Rad, UK) thermal cycler using 20 primers purchased
          and after an initial 24 h incubation medium was replaced   from the Operon Biotechnologies (BioCampus Cologne
          with medium containing varying concentrations of AFB  (50,   Nattermannalle, Germany). PCR amplification was conducted
          25, 2.5, 0.25, 0.025 μmol/L) and FB  (200, 100, 10, 1, 0.1   in a 25 μL reaction volume containing 10 ng genomic DNA,
          μmol/L) dissolved in methanol. A combination of the already   12.5 pmol Master mix (2X) (Fermentas Life Science, USA), 1.0
          mentioned concentrations of AFB  and FB  were also tested:   units of Supertherm Taq polymerase, and 50 pmol primer. PCR
          50 μmol/L AFB  plus 200 μmol/L FB ; 25 μmol/L AFB  plus   reactions were carried out in a thermocycler (Bio-Rad C1000)
          100 μmol/L FB ; and so on. Two exposure periods 24 h and 48 h   programmed with initial denaturation period for 5 min at
          were investigated. In order to evaluate the protective effect   95 °C, followed by 40 cycles denaturation (95 °C for 30 s),
          of extracts of A. hybridus, this experiment was repeated with   primary annealing at 37 °C for 1 min and extension at 72 °C.
          the following adjustments: After the initial 24 h incubation   Amplification was terminated by a final extension period of
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