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INTRODUCTION                                        expressed the view that wild-growing food plants are an
                                                              affordable and practical source of nutrition to improve the
          Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of fungi which are   nutritional status of rural HIV-affected households.  The
          associated with certain disorders in animals and humans.   present study was carried out to assess whether the aqueous
          Contamination of grains by mycotoxins is a worldwide   extracts of A. hybridus can protect rat hepatoma cells against
          problem affecting staple crops such as corn (maize) and   FB  and AFB  induced cytotoxicity and disruption of DNA
          small grains (such as wheat), as well as tree nuts, peanuts,   integrity.
          sorghum, and others.  Some mycotoxins are now linked with
          the incidence of certain types of cancer, and it is this aspect   METHODS
          that has evoked global concern over feed and food safety.
          Aflatoxins (AFs), ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone,   Chemicals
          fumonisins (FBs), tremorgenic toxins, and ergot alkaloids are   FB  and AFB  (98% purity) and other standards were
                                                                 1        1
          the mycotoxins of greatest agro-economic importance  and   purchased from Sigma Chemicals Co (St. Louis, MO, USA).
          are known to be hepatotoxic, genotoxic, immunosuppressive,   The DNA extraction kit (DNeasy blood and tissue kit) was
          nephrotoxic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic.  The    Food and   obtained from Qiagen (Hilden, Germany). The one hundred
          Agricultural Organization of the United Nations has estimated   base pair (bp) DNA ladder, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
          that up to 25% of the world’s food crops are significantly   master mix, and DNase/RNase free water were obtained from
          contaminated with mycotoxins.  However, in Africa, the   Fermentas Inc., (Glen Burnie, Maryland, USA). Supertherm
          presence of mycotoxins in food is often overlooked due to   Taq polymerase was purchased from JM Holding (UK). Forty
          the population’s ignorance, lack of regulatory mechanisms,   primers were obtained from Operon Technologies (Alameda,
          poor facilities for storing large volumes of food products,   CA, USA). All solvents were of analytical grade and were
          and the introduction of contaminated commodities into the   purchased from Burdick and Jackson (Muskegon, MI, USA).
          human food chain during chronic food shortage caused by
          droughts, wars, and political and economic instability. [6]  Plant materials
                                                              Stems and leaves of  A. hybridus were collected from a
          At present, the interactions between AFB  and FB  with   residential garden in the city of Potchefstroom, North-West
                                              1       1
          regard to their toxic and carcinogenic properties were   Province, South Africa. The plant material was freeze-dried
          discussed in several reports. A synergistic effect between   and pulverized and 1 g dry mass of the lyophilized plant
          exposure to mycotoxins and some important diseases in   powder was infused with 10 mL water for 24 h at room
          Africa, such as malaria, kwashiorkor, liver cancer, and human   temperature. After centrifugation, the supernatant was
          immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency   freeze-dried and stored at 4 °C until used.
          syndrome has been suggested.  Concerns about mycotoxins
          have increased during the last few decades because of their   Determination of chemical composition of the extract
          implications to human and animal health and productivity,   Extraction of total phenolic contents in the plant was carried
          as well as the economics of their management, and how   out in triplicate, according to the modified method of van
          they influence international trade.  This has led to the   der Walt et al.  and Kähkönen et al.  Total phenolic content
          development of maximum tolerated limits for mycotoxins   was expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and gallic
          in various countries. The European Union has legislated   acid equivalents were expressed in mg/100  g dm.
          maximum permitted levels of 2 ng/g dry mass for AFB  and
          4 ng/g for total AFs (B , B , G , and G ) in various products.    Total carotenoid content for the plant was extracted and
                            1  2  1     2
          Considering the extremely potent carcinogenicity of AFs,   analyzed in triplicate as described by Edwards et al.  and
          most developed nations regulate limits of AFs as small as   modified by van der Walt et al.  Total carotenoid content is
          reasonably achievable. Several studies have shown that AFB    presented as mean ± SD in mg/100 g dm.
          and FB  are cytotoxic, inhibiting the viability of different
          cellular models, mostly liver and kidney cells. [10-16]  Quantifi cation of beta-carotene
                                                              Beta-carotene was extracted according to the modified
          The Amaranthus plant has been used extensively in the rural   method described by Lakshiminarayana et al.  and was
          South Africa as a traditional food and is commonly known as   quantified by high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled
          morogo. Amaranthus species are good sources of β-carotene,   to a photodiode array detector capable of ultraviolet-visible
          polyphenols, Vitamin C, calcium, and iron. [17,18]  Moreover,   absorption spectrum according to the methods of de
          a joint publication of the United Nations Development   Ancos et al.  The content was expressed as mean ± SD in
          Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization,   mg/100 g dm.
               Hepatoma Research | Volume 1 | Issue 3 | October 15, 2015                                    137
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