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Page 8 of 15  Turati et al. Hepatoma Res 2022;8:19

 Table 2. Age-standardized (world population) mortality rates per 100,000 person-years from intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC and ECC) in the age group 45-64 in selected
 countries worldwide during 2010-2014 (around 2012) and 2015-2018 (around 2016) (according to data availability), annual average deaths of the latest period, and the corresponding percent
 change in rates.

 Men                                           Women
 ICC  ECC                   ICC                                        ECC
 Average   % change   Average   % change   Average   % change    Average       % change
 2012 2016  2012 2016  2012 2016                    2012 2016
 deaths  (2016/12)  deaths  (2016/12)  deaths  (2016/12)         deaths        (2016/12)
 European Union

 Austria  3.30  3.15  39  -4.5  0.92  1.03  13  12.0  2.19  1.88  24  -14.2  0.74  0.80 10  8.1
 Belgium   2.36  2.86  46  21.2  0.15  0.18  3  20.0  2.05  1.82  29  -11.2  0.09 0.03  1  -66.7
 Croatia   1.56  2.06  13  32.1  0.91  0.41  3  -54.9  1.50  1.25  8  -16.7  0.57  0.42  3  -26.3
 Czech   1.18  1.37  21  16.1  0.83  0.62  10  -25.3  0.80 0.81  13  1.3  0.53  0.58  9  9.4
 Denmark  1.36  1.77  15  30.1  0.17  0.19  2  11.8  1.34  1.83  15  36.6  0.37  0.16  1  -56.8
 France   3.25  3.41  306  4.9  0.08 0.03  3  -62.5  1.93  1.85  178  -4.1  0.05 0.05  5  0.0

 Germany  2.16  2.35  302  8.8  1.01  1.40  179  38.6  1.58  1.81  237  14.6  0.89 0.97  126  9.0
 Hungary  1.28  1.14  16  -10.9  1.36  3.08  43  126.5  0.66 0.88  14  33.3  1.04  2.12  34  103.8
 Italy   1.95  1.97  171  1.0  0.22  0.23  21  4.5  1.19  1.36  126  14.3  0.10  0.12  12  20.0
 Netherlands  1.56  2.22  57  42.3  0.74  0.56  15  -24.3  1.30  2.18  55  67.7  0.60 0.55  14  -8.3
 Portugal  2.53  3.93  57  55.3  0.52  0.18  3  -65.4  1.26  1.83  30  45.2  0.41  0.11  2  -73.2
 Spain   2.93  3.25  209  10.9  0.13  0.24  15  84.6  1.53  1.94  129  26.8  0.04 0.11  8  175.0

 Sweden  1.20  1.43  19  19.2  0.86 0.97  12  12.8  1.19  1.01  13  -15.1  0.81  1.04  14  28.4
 Other European countries

 Belarus   .  1.01  13  .  .  0.54  7  .  .  0.65  10  .  .  0.41  6           .
 Norway  2.22  2.92  21  31.5  0.19  0.15  1  -21.1  1.87  2.02  14  8.0  0.07 0.07  1  0.0
 Switzerland   2.29  2.20  27  -3.9  0.42  0.50  6  19.0  1.77  1.79  22  1.1  0.54  0.22  3  -59.3
 UK   2.49  2.84  242  14.1  0.07 0.06 5  -14.3  2.46  2.67  236  8.5  0.06 0.04 4  -33.3
 American countries

 Argentina  0.51  0.41  17  -19.6  0.05 0.14  6  180.0  0.36  0.32  15  -11.1  0.04 0.16  8  300.0
 Brazil  0.70 0.77  163  10.0  0.59  0.51  109  -13.6  0.71  0.86  205  21.1  0.78  0.67  160  -14.1
 Canada   2.30  2.86  154  24.3  0.09 0.10  5  11.1  2.19  2.46  134  12.3  0.07 0.08 5  14.3

 Chile  0.81  1.30  28  60.5  0.17  0.11  3  -35.3  0.89 1.39  33  56.2  0.14  0.13  3  -7.1
 Colombia   0.88 0.92  44  4.5  0.11  0.21  10  90.9  1.01  1.24  66  22.8  0.15  0.26  14  73.3
 Mexico   0.79  0.94 99  19.0  0.09 0.08 8  -11.1  1.26  1.30  149  3.2  0.13  0.14  16  7.7
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