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Page 10 of 15                                         Otsuka et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:5  I

               Table 3. Comparison of operative outcome of pure laparoscopic hemi-hepatectomy
                                          Favorable cases (n = 11)    Difficult cases (n = 10)  P-value
                Operative duration        586.0 (355-749)            625.5 (240-768)             0.251
                Estimated blood loss      290.0 (10-1060)            357.5 (50-2683)             0.342
                Transfusion requirement   1 (9.1%)                   2 (20.0%)                   0.586
                Postoperative morbidity   2 (18.2%)                  3 (30.0%)                   0.635
                                          SSI (organ/space) 1 (9.1%)  SSI (superficial) 1(10.0%)
                                          Bile leakage 1 (9.1%)      Bile leakage 1(10.0%)
                                                                     Portal vein thrombus 1(10.0%)
                Postoperative hospitalization  9(6-25)               13(7-45)                    0.111
                Mortality                 0 (0.0%)                   0 (0.0%)                    1.0

                  A                                            B

                  C                                            D

               Figure 10. Totally laparoscopic hemi-hepatectomy of left liver for large tumor. (A) A CT scan showed a hepatocellular carcinoma 12
               cm in diameter, mainly located in left lateral section involving umbilical portion. There were several daughter nodules in segment 4; (B)
               due to the large tumor, left subphrenic space was not well visualized, but orientation of the hepatic hilar portion was preserved. After
               the individual isolation of the left and middle hepatic artery and the left portal vein, hepatic parenchyma was transected, prior to the
               mobilization of the left liver; (C) parenchymal transection allowed to tract the left liver to the caudal side; we put an additional trocar
               on the most cranial side of epigastrium. This was quite helpful for the division of the left triangle ligament; (D) the confluence of the left
               hepatic vein was also encircled by tape and divided using stapling device
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