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Page 30 of 64          Rehman et al. Energy Mater 2024;4:400068

               interconnected PCNFs framework, facilitated Na  transfer kinetics and buffered volume changes to
               maximize Na storage.

               Silicon-based anodes for SIBs
               Silicon (Si), a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly material, is an ideal choice for alloying SIBs
               whereby a single mol of Na  in the NaSi can result in a theoretical capacity of 960 mAh g . However, a very
               low practically obtained capacity (less than 40 mAh g ) has been shown by the crystalline Si. Hence, Si was
               declared electrochemically inactive previously (with +0.6 eV binding energy of Na) . However, many
               theoretical studies have verified the potential of Si for SIB anodes, although this needs to be experimentally
               verified [176,177] . Compared to crystalline Si with limited Si uptake, the performance of amorphous Si as an SIB
               anode is practically more optimistic. The conversion of crystalline Si to amorphous Si after initial cycles also
               reincarnates the capacity of Si anodes. Various other prepositions for improved anode characters in Si have
               been proposed, such as C coating , porous structuring , and other composite modifications .
               Regarding composite modifications, Kempf et al. have studied the temperature-dependent performance of
               ion carbon-rich Sn-SiOC composites for SIB anodes . The best performance was shown by the composite
               (SnO ) pyrolyzed at 900 C, which could deliver a steady capacity of 234 mAh g  at 37.2 mA g . At a current
               density of 2,380 mAh g , it could sustain a capacity of 131 mAh g . Their findings have opened a door for
               temperature-dependent material synthesis as temperature-performance correlations have been widely
               addressed to control the morphology and thereby the corresponding capacity, although the alloying
               mechanism in Si is unclear and somewhat controversial. Very recently, an electrochemical derivatized
               varyingly ordered Si has been proposed by Li et al. . The combination of short, medium, and long-range
               ordering induced strong Na-Si interactions well matched for fast ion/-transfer phenomena. The anode in
               bare form delivered a capacity of 352.7 mAh g  at 50 mA g  (95.2% CE), while its C composite Si/C
               supplied a capacity of 449.5 mAh g  [Figure 15]. Interestingly, they proved an adsorption-interaction
               mechanism instead of the commonly evidenced alloying mechanism.
               Amorphous Si comprising nanocubes or boxes with hollow structures has been composited with rGO to
               exploit the SIB anode potential of this novel architecture material . The composite imparted stable
               performance over 2,000 cycles with rate capacities of 261.2 and 73.3 mAh g  at 0.1 A and 3 A g ,
               respectively. An ordered mesoporous C with Si/SiO  hybrid constituting 2D mesochannels was found to be
               highly effective in enhancing Na  and e  transfer kinetics, suppressing volume variation effects, and
               providing highly conductive Na  diffusion pathways. It showed a daring storage capacity of 423 mAh g  at
               0.02 A g  after 100 cycles with an extended longevity (capacity of 190 mAh g  at 1 A g  after 500 cycles) .
               The mechanistic-driven phase conversions have been presented in C-composited SiP  SIB anodes using
               in-situ/ex-situ XRD and TEM . The proposed anode showed an ICE of 76% with a 100-cycle capability of
               410 mAh g  together with a rate performance of 198 mAh g  at 1 A g . In-situ XRD and ex-situ XRD with
               2D contour plots have outlined their real-time performance and conversion behavior. Sodiation resulted in
               diminished peak intensities of SiP  resulting from amorphization, while partial recovery of the SiP  peak
               (along with features of P and S peaks) was observed in charging. During discharge, new peaks related to
               Na P and NaSi  appeared, with some peaks from some unreacted SiP . Furthermore, these observations were
               counter-verified by fabricating a nano-battery for in-situ TEM and SAED patterns. In the charging process,
               the clear amorphous behavior with dual crystalline/amorphous SiP  phase was well confronted in the initial
               cycle, with complete amorphization in the third cycle as observed in the in-situ TEM/SAED.
                                           SiP  → Na P + NaSi       (Discharging)
                                           Na P + NaSi  → (SiP )         + P   (Charging)
                                                            2 crystalline/amorphous
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