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Page 26 of 64          Rehman et al. Energy Mater 2024;4:400068

               100 mA g  while sustaining 65.6% of the capacity over 5,000 cycles at an ampere density of 2 A g . During
               (dis)charging, the strong interaction between rGO and NRP/Na P inhibited volume variations.
               To better protect the RP-C composites from air exposure and the resultant capacity engulfing process, a
               protective coating of polypyrrole (PPy) has been proposed, which could enhance the conductivity and
               impart electrolyte and air stabilization . This strategy resulted in stable electrode material at ambient
               conditions having a high RP content with a stable reversible capacity of 800 mAh g  at a current density of
               50 mA g . Jin et al. have adopted an assisted double annealing strategy to ensure highly porous conductive
               networks interconnected inside the P host . The extra-short Na /e  diffusion pathways in the conductive
               matrix supported the structure from volume variations and exhibited an astonishing longevity over 2,000
               cycles with 1,027 mAh g  of steady capacity at 4 A g  and an equally competitive rate behavior.
               An SIB anode with a distinguished performance and real-time performance-mechanistic evaluation has
               been reported by Liu et al. . In-situ TEM and simulations detected “liquid-like” properties, metallic
               character, and structural endurance in the RP CNF composite. The highly encapsulated RP inside the C
               matrix, akin to a core-shell structure, mitigated side reactions. This observation of liquidity of RP on
               sodiation was dually verified using time-lapse scanning TEM (STEM) images. The optimized capacity of
               1,019 mAh g  over 5,000 cycles at 1 A g  was a benchmark. Details are shown in Figure 12.
               MXene-supported uniform-sized RP nanoparticles were additionally integrated with multi-walled CNTs
               (MWCNTs), leading to outstanding stability and improved mobility of Na /e  transportation . The hybrid
               showed a capacity of 371.6 mAh g  at 0.2 A g  over 100 cycles. A facile methodology for high-capacity SIB
               anodes with high mass loadings has been reported by Zhu et al. . A composite of wood-derived carbon
               and CNTs was coupled to RP. Multi-channeled ion and electronic pathways with a compact but porous
               framework synchronously improved the capacity retention ability at high mass loadings. Although optimal
               redox kinetics at a lower mass loading (8.2 mg cm ) was achieved even at a high mass loading of
               ~14 mg cm , capacity preservation of 53.9% was attained. A superior gravimetric capability of 468.8 mAh g
               and real rate capacity of 1.63 mAh g  at 106.6 mAcm  were captured. A liquid exfoliation strategy for
               amorphous RP nanoplates synthesis and their composite with CNTs has been proposed recently by
               Kaur et al. . A superior air stability was achieved with low oxidative degradation that enabled the
               composite to attain higher capacities above 2,000 mAh g  over 1,000 cycles. Other composite hybrids and
               phosphorous alloys have been extensively explored as SIB alloying anodes with many recent detailed
               reviews [161-164] . Zhang et al. have reported a composite SIB anode (Sb/P@C) that could deliver a capacity of
               350 mAh g  at 500 mA g . At 50 mA g , a capacity of above 400 mAh g  was sustained over 100 cycles .
               Germanium-based anodes for SIBs
               Germanium (Ge) has been highlighted for its strong alloying potential with Na  and less volume expansion
               than Sn and Sb conversion-alloying anodes. However, its theoretical capacity (369 mAh g ) is limited for
               SIBs because 1 mol of Na  in the resulting NaGe formulation showed unfavored kinetics in the crystalline
               Ge, which rendered it below the limelight of energy storage community. Although it has 1,000 times
               superior electrical conduction than Si, the crystalline Ge has a very minor affinity for Na  that can only
               provide a capacity of 20 mAh g . Thus, many derivatives, especially those with amorphous Ge, have been
               proposed both theoretically and experimentally, whereby a theoretical capacity of 576 mAh  g
               (corresponding to Na Ge) has been achieved in the amorphous phase [45,166,167] . Lu et al. have presented
               detailed in-situ TEM-supported evidence of (de)sodiation changes in amorphous Ge nanowires . The
               unique appearance of pores in the desodiated state and their reappearance upon sodiation in the Ge
               nanowires were due to sodiation-induced defects during in-situ HRTEM. The large volume expansion of
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