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Page 16 of 16                 Zander et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:9  I

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               Most hyperparameters were taken from previous work/recommended defaults of libraries
               1. DQN Structure
                     • 2 linear layers with 128 nodes and ReLU activation functions
               2. ANFIS Structure
                     • 2 linear layers with 128, 127 nodes, respectively, and ReLU activation functions
                     • 16 rules, with the mean of the Gaussian membership function sampled from the Normal distribution
                       andscaledby2toincreaserule-basecoverage, andthestandarddeviationssampledfromtheuniform
                     • Learnable parameters/biases for summation sampled from the Normal distribution and scaled by 2
               3. Optimizer: ADAM
               4. Learning rate: .001
               5. Gamma discount factor: 0.99
               6. Max replay memory size: 10,000
               7. Batch Size: 128
               8. Begin training after: 1,000 iterations
               9. Epsilon start: 1.0
              10. Epsilon end: .01
              11. Epsilon decay: After 20,000 iterations in a linear fashion
              12. Gradient clipping norm: 10
              13. Target network update iterations: 100
              14. Tau soft update parameter: .001
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