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Page 12 of 16                 Zander et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:9  I

                                                                            (c) Results of function approxima-
                 (a) Rule base before training  (b) Rule base after training  tion

               Figure 10. Comparison of rules for approximating a function before and after optimization. The straight line represents a rule that becomes
               insignificant after training.

               to afford a close estimate of the function. Notably, one Gaussian function depicted by the straight line in
               Figure 10b becomes insignificant after training. Not only does this indicate potential robustness to network
               overparameterization, but the ability to visualize the components of the system in this way also highlights a
               propensity for troubleshooting architectural design and training.

               The CartPole example represents a jump in complexity that corresponds with increased challenges to helpful
               visualization; the 32 rules for movement in either direction stand to benefit from a more directed form of
               presentation. However, the same principles of visual feedback for training and resulting behavior apply. Both
               before and after training, one may observe the rule base of the ANFIS DQN and extract important information
               about the decisions of the agent.

               We can see how some of the behaviors are shaped by analyzing the distribution and coverage of antecedents in
               Figure11. Inthecurrentvisualization,itmaybehardtoexplainallaspectsofinteraction,butwecaninvestigate
               some possible behaviors. The blue curves indicate the rules for moving the cart to the left, and the red curves
               describe movement to the right. The domain is the domain for input space from CartPole. Each input that
               is passed into the rules comes from the output of a NN. The blue curves are related to moving the cart to the
               left, and the red curves for moving the cart to the right. While we cannot see exactly what inputs the rules are
               related to, we can see some trends that indicate what each rule may be impacting. In the beginning, both sets
               of colored curves are fairly uniform around the origin. After training, we can see that they have spread out
               to cover more domains, and some curves are wider. Some interesting things to note are there are two inputs
               in the observation space for cart velocity and pole angle. Negative values are associated with the pole and the
               cart moving to the left. We can see how some of the blue curves moved further to the left, and the red curves
               moved further to the right. This is because the intelligent action of moving the cart the opposite way the pole
               is moving can help correct the position of the pole. These small insights can give us some explanation as to
               what the network is doing when making decisions. With a better visualization, we could see what each rule is
               specifically looking at in the input related to the output.

               It should be noted that there is also much unique potential for experimentation with novel explainability mech-
               anisms. Further research of ANFIS DQN in this vein could support efforts in quantifying changes to rules
               after training, identifying rules that become insignificant, highlighting substantial activations for any one state,
               and exploring aggregations that describe overall trends in behavior. While similar ideas have certainly been
               explored to aid the interpretability of traditional NNs, the capacity for visualization offered by FIS-based ar-
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