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Zander et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:9  I  Page 13 of 16

                         (a) Rule base before training                 (b) Rule base after training

               Figure 11. Comparison of rule antecedent distributions for moving left (blue) and right (red) in the CartPole environment. Input consists of
               encoded cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, and pole angular velocity.

               chitectures represents a significant opportunity due to the reasons discussed and the relative lack of existing
               literature in this domain specifically.

               4. CONCLUSION
               Inthepresentpaper, westudyfuzzysystemscontrolledviaRLandmultipleapplicationsofthisframework. The
               first environment considered is the Asteroid Smasher game in which the associated agent made use of fuzzy
               systems trained via an actor-critic RL algorithm. This agent won XFC 2022, an Explainable AI competition
               emphasizing fuzzy logic. We also compared ANFIS DQN architectures with classic DQN architectures and
               demonstrated that the fuzzy systems perform similarly or, in some cases, better than DQN systems. More
               significantly, we highlighted the amenability of TSK-based architectures to explainability and visualization
               when compared to more traditional NNs.

               Grounds for further research include an exploration of possible improvements to the stability of the RL al-
               gorithm used to tackle the Asteroid Smasher environment. With respect to ANFIS architectures, additional
               exploration of applications, network architectures, membership functions, and unique explainability mecha-
               nisms could also prove valuable for both performance and explainability. In both cases, there are extensions
               such as improved experience replay, dueling DQN, and distributional learning that could afford improved

               The most significant takeaway concerns the relatively underinvestigated and mutually beneficial relationship
               between RL and fuzzy logic. Despite trends in the former and the value that each stands to offer the other,
               alternative methods are more commonly employed to optimize fuzzy systems. Moreover, promising neuro-
               fuzzy frameworks face relative obscurity in light of the steadfast need for trust and interpretability in domains
               where NNs are pervasive. Consequently, additional experimentation serves to afford value when building
               performant and explainable applications.
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