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Chen et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:8  I   Page 5 of 15

                              (¤      −           ) =             +             cos       +           +           −             +             sin      
                              ¤
                               (   +   )      =             +             sin       +             +             cos       +           +          
                                 ¤   =             +                   sin       +              −          cos       + (          −           )
                                                                                      2
                              +             +                   cos       +             −                     sin       − (          +           )      
                                                                 2
               In this equation,    and       denote the vehicle’s sprung mass and its moment of inertia around the Z axis,
               respectively;       is the vehicle’s wheelbase;       is the steering angle of the front axle, and it can be approximated
               as       =       =       ;           and           denote longitudinal and lateral tire forces (where    =    or   ,    =    or   ;       means
               front left,       means front right,      means rear left, and      means rear right), respectively. The meanings of the
               other parameters are given in Section 2.1.
               The rotational dynamic equilibrium equation of each wheel is expressed as follows:

                                               ¤        =         −                  (   =    ,        =   ,   )  (6)

               where       is the moment of wheel inertia around each axis of rotation,       is the effective radius of each wheel,
                       denotes the rotation rate of each wheel, and         is the driving torque           or braking torque           of each
               in-wheel motor.

               2.3. MF tire model
               The general form of the MF tire model [20]  is as follows:

                                        (  ) =    sin{   arctan[     −   (     − arctan(    ))]}        (7)

               where    is either the longitudinal slip ratio         or lateral slip angle         .   ,   ,   , and    denote the stiffness
               factor, shape factor, peak value, and curvature factor, respectively. The tire longitudinal slip ratio of each wheel
               is expressed as follows:

                                                  −          
                                                 Driving Conditon
                                                       
                                          =  −                     (   =    ,        =   ,   )          (8)
                                                 Braking Conditon
               where           denotes the longitudinal translational velocity of each wheel, which can be calculated as follows:

                                                  = (      −         /2) cos       +          +         sin      
                                                    = (      +         /2) cos       +          +         sin      
                                                =       −         /2
                                                =       +         /2
               The tire lateral sideslip angle of each wheel can be expressed as follows:
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