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Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13       Page 9

               Table 3. ML prediction of postoperative complications in hepatic surgery
                                                        Patients,                                   Result
                       Paper          Operation  Model            Study      Clinical phase  Outcome
                                                       centre(s)                                    (aROC)
                Artificial neural network   Hemihepatectomy Artificial   353, 1  Retrospective Preoperative  Severe   0.88
                model for preoperative          neural                                     PHLF
                prediction of severe liver      network
                failure after hemihepatectomy
                in patients with hepatocellular
                carcinoma (Mai et al.  )
                Development and validation of  Hepatectomy  XGBoost  7919, 2  Retrospective Pre, peri &   RFS  0.70
                a Machine Learning                                       postoperativepostoperative
                prognostic model for
                hepatocellular carcinoma
                recurrence after surgical
                resection (Huang et al.  )
                Artificial neural network   Hepatectomy  Artificial   22926,  Retrospective Pre, peri & postoperative  5-year   0.89
                model for predicting 5-year     neural   multiple                          mortality
                mortality after surgery for     network
                hepatocellular carcinoma: a
                nationwide study (Shi et al.
                An artificial neural networking  Partial   Artificial   829, 2  Prospective  Pre, peri & postoperative  Overall   0.83
                model for the prediction of   hepatectomy  neural                          survival
                post-hepatectomy survival of    network                                    (OS)
                patients with early
                hepatocellular carcinoma
                (Qiao et al. [47] )

               aROC: Area under the receiving operator characteristic curve; ML: Machine Learning; OS: overall survival; PHLF: post-hepatectomy liver failure;
               RFS: recurrence free survival.

               Italian patients using a logistic regression (LR) model, achieving AUC 0.81 and AUC 0.71, respectively .
               These studies were limited by their retrospective nature and data from a single centre which risks model
               overfitting and limits generalizability. However, both reports showed great potential as proof-of-concept
               studies, and affirm recent work that has demonstrated the ability of ML to outperform human
               interpretation of images and recognise features inconceivable to the human eye .

               In a larger study using the preoperative CTs of 513 patients across three centres , Mu et al developed a
               convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict CR-POPF that outperformed the FRS . Their CNN was
               externally validated in a fourth centre, achieving AUC 0.89 compared to AUC 0.73 in the FRS. The CNN
               showed particularly higher predictive performance in the > 50% of patients deemed ‘intermediate risk’ by
               FRS (FRS 3-6). However, hepatitis B infection, which is endemic in China where the study was based, may
               reduce generalizability .

               Machine Learning modelling to predict postoperative pancreatic fistula using diverse variables
               ML has the potential to aggregate multiple variables and analyse complex nonlinear relationships between
               them . This is illustrated by the report from a large retrospective Chinese study of 2421 patients
               undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy that utilised 59 pre-, peri- and postoperative variables in a neural
               network to predict POPF (aROC 0.81). A further large study of 1769 Korean patients, also undergoing
               pancreatoduodenectomy utislised 16 variables in a neural network model (aROC 0.74) . Despite
               harnessing significant volumes of data, the improved performance capabilities of these models were modest
               compared with the performance of the FRS and aFRS. Both models incorporated variables such as intra-
               operative fluid status that are widely debated as to their role as predictors of POPF. It is plausible that these
               ML studies have uncovered variables with complex non-linear relationships that have been missed by
               previous classical statistical studies that assumed linearity.  A number of important observations can be
               drawn from this data: (a) more data does not always translate into better data; (b) identification of relevant
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