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Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13                                                 Page 7

                Clustering   Continuous   Assumes that:   Easy to use and interpret   Outcomes are specific to the time of   Perioperative  Anomaly detection
                (e.g. K-means)  Ordinal  - Clusters are spherical (i.e.   Accommodates large amounts of  analysis and data included
                                       the variance of the   data, including unlabelled data  Small changes in data will impact the
                                       distribution)                            outcome
                                       - All variables have similar             Reproducibility is limited
                                       variance                                 Includes all data in the cohort and
                                       - All clusters are of similar            cannot easily adjust for outlying data
                                       size (i.e. observations)
                Principal    Continuous   Data must be standardised   Accommodates very large data   Prone to remove data with low   Perioperative  Identifying significant and relevant changes in
                components   Nominal   and scaled prior to analysis  sets with wide variations   variance          biomarkers which are often highly correlated (e.g.
                analysis                                  Excludes highly correlated data   Some data may be lost in the process   liver enzymes/function tests, inflammatory cytokines
                                                          which does not facilitate decision  of maximising        or clinical observations)
                                                          Helps understand and visualise
                                                          very complex data
                K nearest neighbour Nominal  None         Easy to perform       Requires accurate and complete data   Perioperative  Real-time identification and classification of
                                                          Simple to understand   Does not easily accommodate large   complications according to agreed definitions (e.g.
                                                          No statistical assumptions   and complex datasets        ISGPS, ISGLS)
                                                          Responds well to new data
                Boosting (e.g   Ordinal  Data must be ordinal   Fast execution and interpretation  Difficult to interpret   Postoperative  Analysis utilising all features of an electronic health
                gradient or XG         Assumes that datasets are   Minimal impact of outliers   Challenging to ‘tune’ the learning   record
                boosting)              incomplete (i.e. missing data)  Good model performance  parameters
                                       Categorical variables must be
                                       converted into numerical
                Supervised and unsupervised
                Neural networks  Continuous   Digitalised data (i.e. not free  Application of   Reliant on significant amounts of high- Pre- or   Primarily to help decide optimal treatment therapies
                             Binary    text)              established/trained models to   quality training data   perioperative  or to guide adaptations to clinical care based on a
                                                          prospective is fast and highly   Training the model can be lengthy   changing clinical condition (e.g. deterioration due to
                                                          predictive            The strength of relationships between   sepsis)
                                                          Can easily accommodate missing  dependent and independent variables
                                                          data                  cannot be determined (unlike
                                                                                regression analyses)

               ISGLS: The International Study Group of Liver Surgery; ISGPS: the International Study Group.

               As a relatively new field of statistical analysis, there is a paucity of published evidence reporting ML-based analysis of complications following HPB surgery.
               Simple regression-based studies using a classical statistics approach alone have been performed for many decades and are not discussed below. Here we digest
               and appraise studies that have utilised more contemporary ML methodologies. Tables 2 and 3 provide a summary of the technical aspects of these ML studies.
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