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Page 10                           Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13

               predictor factors using classical statistical methods are reasonably robust and reliable; (c) ML might be
               better suited towards appreciating the complex relationships between pre-identified predictor variables and
               incorporating them into predictive models, rather than identification of predictor variables in the first
               instance; (d) ML models demonstrate greater potential as dynamic tools to guide decision making, for
               example, the timing of drain removal, rather than as static models that represent predicted risk at a single
               point in time.

               Prospective machine learning prediction of complications following pancreatic surgery
               Only one study prospectively studied ML prediction of post-pancreatectomy complications . Cos et al.
               used a telemonitoring wearable device (Fitbit) to measure heart rate, step count and sleep features in 48
               patients pre-pancreatectomy . Combined with clinical characteristics, this activity data was used by a
               gradient boosting model (GBM) to predict a textbook surgical outcome postoperatively, outperforming the
               widely used ACS-NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator (aROC: ML 0.79 vs. NSQIP 0.63).

               Machine Learning to predict postoperative complications in hepatic surgery
               In a first-of-its-kind nationwide population-based analysis of 22926 Taiwanese patients, Shi et al. predicted
               5-year mortality post-HCC surgery using an artificial neural network (ANN) . This study reported that
               surgeon volume (caseload) was the most influential factor in predicting postoperative mortality, with an
               AUC of 0.89. Nonetheless, the retrospective nature of this work and the absence of clinical parameters
               represent significant limitations that preclude the clinical utility of the model.

               Machine Learning prediction of post-hepatectomy outcomes
               ML approaches in hepatic surgery have mostly focused on predicting survival and recurrence post-
               hepatectomy in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Qiao et al. collected prospective data on 725 patients with
               early HCC and predicted overall survival (OS) following minor hepatectomy using an ANN . In this study,
               linear regression analysis was used to identify significant (P < 0.05) predictors, including tumor size &
               number, alpha-fetoprotein, microvascular invasion, and tumor encapsulation. ANN was then used to best
               appreciate the inter-variable relationships and develop a predictive model (aROC 0.86 - training cohort).
               The model was then externally validated on a separate dataset, achieving an aROC of 0.83. One limitation of
               ANN methodology is that the individual weightings and relationships of clinicopathological factors cannot
               be reported and interpreted because of the nature of the black box algorithm utilised by ANNs .
               Huang et al. created an XGBoost model which predicted read recurrence-free survival (RFS) post-HCC
               resection from retrospective data collected in 7919 patients . Their XGBoost model showed modest
               improvement over the Early Recurrence After Surgery for Liver tumour (ERASL) score in external
               validation (aROC; ML 0.70 vs. ERASL 0.67). The modest aROCs in this model highlight both the
               importance of high quality and prospectively validated data inputs and the impact of the chosen ML
               algorithm on the performance of the model. However, a unique capability reported by this study was the
               ability to create individualised patient risk heatmaps of tumour recurrence over time, which could inform
               personalised surveillance strategies.

               Post-hepatectomy liver failure represents a significant postoperative complication that alters the trajectory
               of surgical outcomes. Mai et al. developed an ANN utilizing five preoperative indicators of hepatocyte
               function and volume (Platelet count, Prothrombin Time, Bilirubin, Aspartate Transaminase and Functional
               Liver Remnant) in 353 patients undergoing hepatic resection to predict severe post-hepatectomy liver
               failure (PHLF) . This model demonstrated exceptional performance (aROC 0.88) in both training and
               validation cohorts and outperformed other commonly used scoring systems by considerable margins
               (Child-Pugh: 0.568, Model for End-stage Liver Disease: 0.608, Albumin-bilirubin: 0.627, platelet-albumin-
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