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Page 8                                                                       Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13

               Table 2. ML prediction of postoperative complications in pancreatic surgery
                                                                                           Patients,                                          Result
                                    Paper                        Operation       Model                   Study       Clinical phase  Outcome
                                                                                          centre(s)                                           (aROC)
                Machine learning algorithms as early diagnostic tools for pancreatic   Pancreatoduodenectomy CatBoost  2421, 1  Retrospective  Pre, peri &   POPF  0.81
                fistula following pancreaticoduodenectomy and guide drain removal: a                                 postoperative
                retrospective cohort study (Shen et al.  )
                A machine learning risk model based on preoperative computed   Pancreatoduodenectomy Logistic   100, 1  Retrospective  Preoperative  POPF  0.81
                tomography scan to predict postoperative outcomes after      regression
                pancreatoduodenectomy (Capretti et al.  )
                Perioperative risk assessment in pancreatic surgery using Machine   Pancreatectomy  Logistic   521, 1  Retrospective  Pre, peri &   POPF PPH, ICU   0.37
                Learning (Pfitzner et al. [54] )                             regression                              postoperative  readmission, death
                Predicting outcomes in patients undergoing Pancreatectomy using   Pancreatectomy  Gradient boosting 48, 1  Prospective  Preoperative  Textbook surgical  0.79
                wearable technology and Machine Learning: prospective cohort study                                              outcome
                (Cos et al. [45] )
                Risk prediction platform for pancreatic fistula after   Pancreatoduodenectomy Neural network  1769, 1  Retrospective  Pre & intra-  POPF  0.74
                pancreatoduodenectomy using artificial intelligence (Han et al. [44] )                               operative
                Prediction of clinically relevant Pancreatico-enteric Anastomotic   Pancreatoduodenectomy Convolutional   513, 4  Retrospective (externally   Preoperative  POPF  0.89
                Fistulas after Pancreatoduodenectomy using deep learning of   neural network       validated with prospective
                Preoperative Computed Tomography (Mu et al.  )                                     dataset)
                The potential of machine learning to predict postoperative pancreatic   Pancreatoduodenectomy Random forest  110, 1  Retrospective cohort  Preoperative  POPF  0.95
                fistula based on preoperative, non-contrast-enhanced CT: a proof-of-
                principle study (Kambakamba et al.  )
               aROC: Area under the receiving operator characteristic curve; ICU: intensive care unit; ML: Machine Learning; POPF: postoperative pancreatic fistula; PPH: post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage.

               Classical statistical modelling to predict postoperative pancreatic fistula
               Predicting the probability of postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) using classical statistical (regression) modelling has received considerable attention in the
               published literature [32-35] . Although these models have undergone numerous iterations and validation cycles, they continue to rely on subjective assessment of
               pancreatic gland texture, and intraoperative blood loss (original Fistula Risk Score), which cannot be assessed until the time of surgery. Attempts have been
               made to overcome these issues by using parameters determined by preoperative Computed Tomogrpahy [35-36] . Nonetheless, the reported areas under the
               Receiving Operator Characteristic curve (aROC) range from 0.78 in original datasets to 0.67 in subsequent cohorts aiming to validate the original studies [33,37] .
               The performance of the FRS is not universally consistent across patient populations from different ethnicities and cultures . ML, therefore, could make a
               much-needed contribution to improving the reliability and reproducibility of algorithms to predict POPF.

               Machine Learning modelling to predict postoperative pancreatic fistula using preoperative computed tomography
               Kambakamba et al.’s random forest ML model showed near-perfect performance in predicting CR-POPF using preoperative CT (AUC 0.95) as compared to
               the FRS and a-FRS (AUC 0.80 and 0.73, respectively) . Similarly, Capretti et al. predicted CR-POPF and postoperative length of stay using CTs from 100
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55