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Page 6                                                                       Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13

               Table 1. Machine Learning methodologies and their potential application in predicting complications following HPB surgery
                             Outcome                                                                    Optimal    Potential clinical application in prediction of
                Methodology            Statistical assumptions  Strengths       Limitations
                             data type                                                                  phase      postoperative complications in HPB surgery
                                                                           Supervised models
                Linear regression  Continuous  Normal distribution of   Easy to execute  Poor predictive power   Postoperative  To appreciate the relationships between potential
                                       dependent variables                      Minimal ‘tuning’ of learning       predictors and complications and also the inter-
                                       Linear (diagonal) relationship           parameters                         predictor relationships
                                       between dependent and
                                       independent variables
                                       Observations are
                                       independent of each other
                                       Variance of residuals is the
                                       same irrespective of the value
                                       of the independent variable
                Logistic regression  Binary  Linear (diagonal) relationship  Easy to execute  Poor predictive power   Postoperative  To appreciate the relationships between potential
                                       between dependent and                    Ability to accommodate missing,    predictors and complications and also the inter-
                                       independent variables                    outlying or co-linearity between data   predictor relationships
                                       Normal distribution of                   Minimal ‘tuning’ of learning
                                       continuous independent                   parameters
                                       Observations are
                                       independent of each other
                Support vector   Nominal  Linear and non-linear   Accommodates non-linear data   Slow processing of very large datasets  Postoperative  To identify variables associated with postoperative
                machines               distributions      Deals with outliers easily  Poor performance where the   complications algorithms that require data from
                                                                                distinction between there is some   known predictors
                                                                                overlapping of outcomes
                Decision trees  Continuous   Non-linear relationship   Minimal impact of missing values  Rely on both quality and quantity of   Preoperative  To assist treatment decision making according to the
                             Nominal   (along parallel axes)  Easy to understand, interpret and  data              probability of a single complication or outcome
                             (better)                     visualise             Small changes to data can have a big
                                                                                impact on the tree
                                                                                Variables included in the tree need to
                                                                                be known predictors
                Random forest   Continuous   Variables included in the   Minimal impact of missing values  Trees within the forest need to be   Preoperative  To consider the best treatment options by balancing
                             Binary    analysis need to known   or outliers     discrete and not correlated        the cumulative probability of individual risks and
                                       predictors         Amalgamates multiple decision                            weighing up the overall benefits of treatment choices
                                                          trees to limit errors from a single
                                                          Easy to understand, interpret and
                Naive Bayes   Binary   Each variable is considered   Fast to execute   Reliant on accurate training data   All  Identifying triggers/red-flag features of clinical
                algorithm              equal              Easy and intuitive to interpret  Can utilise free text data  deterioration from numerical data (e.g. biomarkers,
                                                                                                                   observations) and also by screening electronic health
                                                                                                                   records for text “triggers/flags”
                Unsupervised models
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