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Page 4                            Shapey et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:1-13

               Post-hoc prediction
               Reviewing specified cases that experience mortality or significant morbidity is a long-standing feature of
               most contemporary surgical departments. However, the systematic collection of data according to pre-
               defined criteria and data variables is a relatively new concept that is gaining popularity. The National
               Surgical Quality Improvement Programme (NSQIP), championed by the American College of Surgeons,
               provides a structured framework from which to capture and analyse relevant data. NSQIP uses a
               standardised Participant Use File to collect data at the individual patient level and can be analysed according
               to the procedure . Failure to rescue is an important binary outcome variable that is collected and reported
               by NSQIP and reflects the inability to identify and ameliorate postoperative complications. Meanwhile, in
               the UK, O’Reilly et al. showed that the process of instituting a prospective quality improvement programme
               was a significant driver behind a reduction in postoperative complications . In this instance, granular data
               using standardised definitions of postoperative complications as agreed by the International Study Groups
               of Liver Surgery and Pancreatic Surgery [22-27]  were prospectively collected and validated in a weekly meeting
               of senior HPB surgeons. Moreover, adoption of the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI) as a
               continuous outcome variable representing the full and broad range of postoperative complications
               facilitates a standardised tool for reliable comparison amongst cohorts . The success of the Dutch
               Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary National Audits in providing a data platform from which to perform practice
               changing research illustrates the potential for machine learning methods to tap into rich data repositories
               that could help improve outcomes [29-30] .

               Existing quality improvement and audit programmes highlight some important lessons that require due
               consideration prior to instituting ML as an integral part of the analysis of postoperative complications. First,
               variables and outcomes should only be reported according to clearly agreed definitions, while prospective
               validation of recorded data is essential in order to ensure the accuracy and integrity of ML analyses. Second,
               a mixture of data forms that include qualitative and quantitative outcomes (both binary and continuous) are
               necessary in order to capture the true impact of surgical care on patient experience. Third, measures of
               optimal outcomes (e.g. return to normal physiological function, and length of stay adjusted for the
               complexity of surgery) should be included alongside complication outcomes. Effective quality improvement
               mandates both the reduction of errors, deriving from the analysis of complications, and an increase in
               insight, deriving from the analysis of best practices. It can be challenging to gain consensus on best practice
               outcomes because patients, populations and health systems are very heterogenous groups. Nonetheless, it is
               vitally important because the minimisation of complications is associated with improvements from multiple
               marginal gains, whereas increasing insight can contribute to step-wise positive changes but that occur on a
               much less frequent basis. In the absence of detailed attention to the validity of data inputs and outcomes, the
               contribution of ML to quality improvement is likely to be, at best, irrelevant, and at worse, damaging to
               patient well-being.

               Bile duct injuries occurring during minimally invasive cholecystectomy remain a problematic issue.  The
               advent of minimally invasive surgery, including robotic systems with three-dimensional visualisation, has
               facilitated the opportunity for high-quality recording of surgical procedures. Artificial intelligence-assisted
               post-hoc review of 290 laparoscopic cholecystectomies demonstrated the ability to accurately (0.95[+/-0.06])
               and specifically (0.98[+/-0.05]) identify “No-Go” zones that were representative of hazardous anatomical
               regions associated with a higher probability of bile duct injury. However, the technology suffered from a
               much lower rate of sensitivity (0.80[+/-0.21]). In this instance, the discrepancy between sensitivity and
               specificity is quite important, because the former has the capacity to identify a potential injury before it
               occurs and thereby prevent it, whereas the value of the latter lies more in confirming whether an injury may
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