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O’Reilly et al. Art Int Surg 2022;2:173-6  Page 175

               Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) consensus conference on prevention of bile duct injury
               (BDI) during cholecystectomy identified that its incidence still occurs at a frequency higher than the 0.1%-
               0.2%  rate  reported  in  the  open  cholecystectomy  era . This  situation  exists  despite  advances  in
               instrumentation, imaging, surgical techniques, as well as the considerable educational efforts by SAGES and
               other organisations. Given the devastating nature of this complication for the patient (and the surgeon), can
               AI offer any solutions to this persisting problem?

               Madani and colleagues have explored the ability of deep learning models to identify anatomical landmarks,
               as well as safe and dangerous zones of dissection during LC and to assess their performance compared to
               expert annotations . Videos of LC were used to train deep neural networks to identify the safe zone of
               dissection (Go zone) and the dangerous zone of dissection (No-Go zone). The deep learning models
               produced a consistent yet dynamic video overlay to distinguish these zones. Such an intra-operative overlay
               tool could provide augmented reality feedback to surgeons to provide real-time guidance. Remarkably,
               already a number of commercially available ML-driven platforms are available, whose utility during LC are
               being assessed . This work is at an early stage of development and the ultimate measure of its success will
               be safer surgery and specifically, reduced BDI during LC.

               Early prediction of morbidity with detailed attention and thorough postoperative management of
               complications can positively impact the overall outcomes of complex HPB procedures. Can AI do this
               better than existing tools? Early experience with machine learning suggests that it may. When a machine
               learning technique was applied to a dataset of 15,657 HPB and colorectal surgery patients, it had a better
               predictive ability (C-statistic) than other established methods, like the American College of Surgery risk
               calculator or that of the American Society of Anaesthesiologists .

               The role of radiomics in the field of hepatobiliary oncology is based on the expectation that a radiologic
               phenotype, extracted and analysed from computed tomography, positron emission tomography or magnetic
               resonance imaging, can imitate a cancer’s genetic variations and help determine the expected tumour
               behaviour. Radiomic models have already shown promise in the accurate prediction of early recurrence for
               hepatocellular and pancreatic cancer [13,14] . Similarly, AI evaluation of histologic pathology specimens as well
               as the proteins and metabolites within the liver, pancreas and adjacent tumors will advance our ability to
               precisely diagnose and treat HPB disease. These models have the potential to inform clinical decision
               making, especially in the use of precision oncology.

               Over the past decade, enhanced preoperative imaging and visualization, improved delineation of the
               complex anatomical structures of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas, and intra-operative technological
               advances have helped deliver HPB surgery with increased safety and better postoperative outcomes. AI has a
               major role to play in 3D visualization, virtual simulation and augmented reality that will help in the training
               of surgeons and the future delivery of conventional and robotic HPB surgery. Artificial neural networks and
               machine learning have the potential to revolutionise individualised patient care during the preoperative
               imaging and postoperative surveillance phases .

               Artificial Intelligence Surgery has launched a special issue, called “Role of Artificial Intelligence in HPB
               Surgery”. The goal is to provide up-to-date, evidence-based literature, as well as expert-guided practice to
               understand the current status of artificial intelligence application in HPB surgery and the prospects for
               future developments in this field. Ultimately, we hope to help realise the promise of AI, to solve the urgent
               problems inherent to our specialty and make our lives, and patients’ lives, “easier and better”.
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