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Stott et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:207-16                                                                                                                                                             Page 209

               Table 1. Summary of studies included in this review
                                                                        Operative  Patients,         Study
                Title                  Country  Year Operation                                                 Technology    Conclusion
                                                                        phase   centres              design
                Theme: Cinematic rendering
                Cinematic rendering: novel tool for  USA  2022 Preoperative assessment of   Pre  NA, Single centre  Case series  Cinematic rendering Cinematic rendering may improve
                improving pancreatic cancer        resectability                                                             determination of resectability,
                surgical planning                                                                                            including assessment for venous
                                                                                                                             resection and arterial divestment.
                                                                                                                             Better appreciation of anatomical
                                                                                                                             variants. Identificaiton of occult
                Computer assisted surgery,   Japan  2014 Pancreaticoduodenectomy  Intra  15, Single centre  Case series  CT-volume   Image-supported surgery to treat
                preoperative planning and                                                                      rendering imaging  pancreatic cancer improves both
                navigation for pancreatic cancer                                                                             safety and effectiveness
                Theme: Navigation surgery
                Intraoperative navigation system   China  2022 Preclinical model  Intra  10 surgeons  Pilot study  Navigation system   The intraoperative navigation system
                with a multi-modality fusion of 3D                                                             with an accurate   applied in laparoscopic pancreatic
                virtual model and laparoscopic                                                                 multi-modality   surgery clearly and correctly showed
                real-time images in laparoscopic                                                               fusion of 3D virtual  the covered anatomical structures. It
                pancreatic surgery: a preclinical                                                              model and     has the potentiality of helping
                study                                                                                          laparoscopic real-  achieve a more safe and efficient
                                                                                                               time images   laparoscopic pancreatic surgery
                Identification of inferior   Japan  2013 Pancreaticoduodenectomy  Intra  7, Single centre  Case series  AR-based NS  The AR-based NS provided precise
                pancreaticoduodenal artery during                                                                            anatomical information, which
                pancreaticoduodenectomy using                                                                                allowed the surgeons to rapidly
                augmented reality-based                                                                                      identify and perform early ligation of
                navigation system                                                                                            IPDA in PD
                Augmented reality-guided artery-  France  2013 pancreaticoduodenectomy  Intra   1, Single centre  Case report  Augmented reality   AR is a valuable navigation tool that
                first pancreatico-duodenectomy                                                                 guided surgery (VR- can enhance the ability to achieve a
                                                                                                               RENDER        safe surgical resection during PD
                                                                                                               VITOM exoscope)
                Image-guided minimally invasive   Switzerland 2021 Endopancreatic resection of   Intra  8, Single centre  Case series  Endopancreatic   6 of 8 lesions, not visible on
                endopancreatic surgery using a     pancreatic lesions                                          navigation using 3D  conventional endoscopy were
                computer-assisted navigation                                                                   reconstruction of   resected
                system                                                                                         preoperative CT
                Novel navigation system by   Japan  2018 Mixture of pancreatic and liver   Intra  9 (2 pancreas resections - 1   Case series  Image guided   Improved ability to identified
                augmented reality technology       resections                   distal pancreatectomy, 1       navigation surgery  anatomical structures, including
                using a tablet PC for hepatobiliary                             pancreaticoduodenectomy),                    inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
                and pancreatic surgery                                          Single centre
                Navigation surgery using an   Japan  2015 Pancreatic surgery for cancer  Intra  14 (11   Case series  AR-based NS  AR-based NS contributed to
                augmented reality for                                           pancreaticoduodenectomies, 3                 accurate and effective surgical
                pancreatectomy                                                  distal pancreatectomies), Single             resection in pancreatectomy
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