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Page 210                                                                                                                                                              Stott et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:207-16

                Laparoscopic middle    Japan   2012 Laparoscopic middle   Intra  1, Single centre    Case report  Pancreatic duct-  Pancreatic duct-navigation surgery
                pancreatectomy under a pancreatic   pancreatectomy                                             navigation surgery  localized main pancreatic duct
                duct-navigation surgery                                                                                      stenosis, and this method may
                                                                                                                             improve minimally invasiveness and
                                                                                                                             function preservation
                Theme: 3D reconstruction
                Clinical Application of 3D   China  2022 Pancreaticoduodenectomy  Pre  47            Case series  3D visualisation  3D visualization technology can offer
                Visualization Technology in                                                                                  a precise and individualized surgical
                Pancreatoduodenectomy                                                                                        plan before operation, which might
                                                                                                                             improve the safety of
                                                                                                                             pancreatoduodenectomy, and has
                                                                                                                             application value in preoperative
                Three-Dimensional Visualization   China  2020 Assessment of CT scans for   Pre  88 residents, Single centre  Randomised   3D reconstruction   Ability to accurately stage and
                Technology Used in Pancreatic      determining resectability for                     controlled trial of preoperative CT  predict operative plan improved with
                Surgery: a Valuable Tool for       PDAC                                                                      3D reconstruction
                Surgical Trainees
                Application of three-dimensional   China  2017 20 malignant and 6 benign   Intra  26 patients, Single centre  Case series  3D reconstruction  3D reconstruction allows
                visualization in pancreatic tumor: a   pancreatic lesions                                                    stereoscopic identification of the
                pilot study                                                                                                  spatial relationships between
                                                                                                                             physiologic and pathologic
                An innovative strategy for the   Italy  2016 Preoperative assessment of   Pre  10, Single centre  Case series  3D reconstruction  In seven of ten cases, the 3D
                identification and 3D              pancreatic cancer                                                         reconstruction is accepted without
                reconstruction of pancreatic cancer                                                                          any modification, while in three
                from CT images                                                                                               cases, only 1.88%, 5.13%, and
                                                                                                                             5.70%, respectively, of the
                                                                                                                             segmentation labels are modified,
                                                                                                                             preliminary proving the high
                                                                                                                             effectiveness of the tool
                Three-dimensional reconstruction  China  2014 Pancreaticoduodenectomy  Intra  89, Single centre  Randomized,   3D reconstruction  A peripancreatic vascular
                of the peripancreatic vascular                                                       parallel,               reconstruction can reveal the
                system based on computed                                                             single-blinded          vascular anatomy, variations of
                tomographic angiography images                                                       feasibility             peripancreatic vascular, and tumor-
                and its clinical application in the                                                  study                   induced vascular changes; the
                surgical management of pancreatic                                                                            application of the simulation surgery
                tumors                                                                                                       platform could reduce surgical
                                                                                                                             trauma and decrease operative time
                Short rigid scope and stereo-scope  Japan  2013 Combination of HPB resections  Intra  6, Single centre  Case series  3D reconstruction  The novel short rigid scope and
                designed specifically for open     (3 distal pancreatectomies, 3                                             stereo-scope seem to be suitable for
                abdominal navigation surgery:      pancreaticoduodenectomies)                                                clinical use in open abdominal
                clinical application for hepatobiliary                                                                       navigation surgery. In hepatobiliary
                and pancreatic surgery                                                                                       and pancreatic surgery, our novel
                                                                                                                             system may improve the safety,
                                                                                                                             accuracy and efficiency of operations
                A new approach for evaluating the  China  2012  Resection for pancreatic or   Pre  80, Single centre  Case series  MI-3DVS  A new classification system is able to
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