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Page 214                                                              Stott et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:207-16

               it originated from the first jejunal branch, the origin of the first jejunal artery was divided early in operation.
               When comparing this to matched individuals who underwent surgery without the navigation system with
               early division of the IPDA and those where the IPDA was not divided early, it was noted that the
               augmented reality system allowed easy visualisation of the IPDA; however, use of the system had no
               statistical impact on either operating time or intra-operative blood loss.

               Abe et al. (2014) used image navigation surgery to improve the ability to achieve an R0 resection during
               pancreaticoduodenectomy  for  PDAC  in  borderline  resectable  cases . They  utilised  3D  imaging
               reconstruction to determine the dissection margins if the tumour abutted either the SMA or the coeliac axis.
               They determined the “cutting line” required near the vessel that would achieve an R0 resection. This is the
               line at which dissection takes place and this margin is then sent for frozen section perioperatively. If this is
               positive, then the procedure did not proceed and the cancer was deemed inoperable.

               Cinematic rendering technology could further revolutionise navigation surgery. It has been suggested that
               this imaging technology could be integrated with modern virtual reality methods such as Hololens
               (Microsoft). Similarly, integration of the technology would allow user integration of the data and allow a
               better understanding and appreciation of complex vascular anatomy .

               Use of virtual simulation and augmented reality navigation to guide venous resection and
               Similar technology has been used during pancreaticoduodenectomy to guide venous resection and facilitate
               types of venous reconstruction. Tang et al. (2021) described the use of augmented reality technology in
               assisting the resection and reconstruction of the SMV in this situation . Here, standard preoperative CT
               images of patients were taken with a slice thickness of 1.25 mm and this was reconstructed to 3D imaging
               using the Iqqa-Liver software (EDDA Technology, USA). They used less sophisticated technology than that
               described previously, but used printed QR codes that were placed in the operative field to represent the pre-
               set points at the common bile duct, pancreatic head, and tail of the pancreas. These were then used as fixed
               points to superimpose the 3D reconstructed images on the operative field utilising the X-Liver smartphone
               app (Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Beijing, China). The AR imaging was then utilised during the
               procedure to determine the involvement of the SMV-PV confluence and determine the extent of the SMV,
               PV and SV that required resection en bloc with the tumour. They suggest this benefit of the AR-guided
               surgery enables surgeons to visualise key anatomical relationships ahead of the dissection of those structures
               and allows operative decisions to be made ahead of time. Unfortunately, in their case series, they are unable
               to comment on whether this improves perioperative or oncological outcomes compared with conventional
               surgery, but they suggest this should be the aim of larger trials to determine the overall benefit of artificial
               guided navigation surgery in pancreaticoduodenectomy.

               Navigation systems in minimally invasive pancreatic surgery
               The previous discussion has focussed on open oncological resection, mainly for borderline resectable PDAC
               requiring better assessment of involved arteries, better attainment of an R0 resection, or for determining the
               need for and reconstruction after venous involvement. Du et al. (2022) reported the development of an
               intraoperative navigation system utilising a multi-modality fusion of a 3D virtual model and laparoscopic
               real-time images during laparoscopic pancreatic surgery . 3D virtual modelling was achieved by machine
               learning algorithms, including the Fisher Linear Discriminant and Graph-cut algorithms. This was then
               loaded to a system with inbuilt navigation software. Two cases were assessed with the model and
               development in preclinical tests: a laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy for distal cholangiocarcinoma and
               a laparoscopic distal pancreatosplenectomy for a tail of pancreas tumour. Analysis was of surgeon
               experience as well as operative time, blood loss, and transfusion requirement. They suggest that the model
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