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Page 212                                                              Stott et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:207-16

                                                  Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

                Figure 2. Cinematic rendering of a pancreas protocol CT demonstrating the ability of cinematic rendering to allow for nuanced
                visualization of a plane between the tumour and vessel (arrows). Figure 2 is reprinted from Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology,
                51(6), Javed AA, Young RWC, Habib JR, Kinny-Köster B, Cohen SM, Fishman EK, Wolfgang CL, Cinematic Rendering: Novel Tool for
                Improving Pancreatic Cancer Surgical Planning, 878-883, Copywrite (2022)m with permission from Elsevier.

               rendering. The oncological benefit of this, however, remains debatable. Venous involvement again can be
               accurately predicted using cinematic rendering to help determine tumour adherence from true invasion.
               Moreover, it allows better preoperative planning as to the need for and type of venous resection and
               reconstruction that may be required. Finally, they suggest that occult metastasis is better appreciated on
               cinematic rendering imaging, as it has the ability to determine subtle liver and peritoneal metastasis from
               normal tissues better than both conventional CT and positron emission tomography (PET-CT).
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