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Xing et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023031  Page 27 of 35

               allows the membrane to obtain the desired properties (e.g., defined size nanochannels, specific ionic or
               electronic conductivity, etc.) to meet the requirements for the corresponding applications.

               Although researchers have tried a variety of membranes for liquid molecular separation, gas separation, and
               ion sieving applications (e.g., wastewater treatment, desalination, CO  capture, ion recovery, etc.), as we
               the vast majority of these applications are only at the laboratory level (“trial residence” stage), and the
               research and development of high-performance 2D-material-based nanochannel membranes are still at an
               early stage with both opportunities and challenges. To speed up the eventual commercialization of
               membranes and make them better serve the development of society, we propose an outlook on the future
               development of membranes from the following three aspects.

               (1) Transport Mechanism. The current research has well explained the mechanism of the swelling problem
               and the construction and modification of nanochannels. Moreover, there is a large amount of work using
               theoretical calculations and simulations to try to make theoretical explanations for the differences in the
               filtration performance of various membranes. However, mechanisms during filtrations (e.g., the behavior
               mechanism of nanofluid in the channel, the rejection and passage mechanism of nanochannel to various
               filtrates, the force mechanism of nanochannel, the interaction mechanism between nanochannel and
               various filtrates, etc.) still need to be studied in depth. The emergence of various advanced characterization
               tools (e.g., cryoelectron microscopy, in-situ electron microscopy, in-situ Raman, etc.) provides new
               possibilities to investigate these mechanisms in depth. Mechanistic studies of the dynamic behavior of
               nanochannel membranes (including nanofluids and membranes themselves) will significantly advance
               mechanical innovation in the membrane field and accelerate the development of the new generation of
               high-performance membranes and industrial applications.

               (2) Large-scale preparation. Rapid advances in chemistry and materials science have given rise to thousands
               of 2D materials. Yet, the mainstream “top-down” and “bottom-up” strategies are often only suitable for
               small-scale production in the laboratory. While there have been reports of kilogram-scale yields, this
               remains insufficient to meet the industrial demand of tens or even hundreds of kilograms. To overcome this
               challenge, it is crucial to develop new reliable methods for the preparation of 2D materials and reliable
               related manufacturing equipment. Notably, corresponding membrane assembly and modification
               technologies are also growing rapidly. Similarly, most methods, such as vacuum filtration, spin coating, and
               cross-linking, are more suitable for small-scale laboratory production and modification. Therefore, large-
               scale preparation is inevitable to apply advanced nanochannel membranes in the industry successfully. This
               calls for deep collaboration between the scientific and industrial communities to develop simple and
               scalable membrane fabrication methods, and relevant pilot experiments are necessary.

               (3) Applications. Although almost all studies reported outstanding application performance, such as high
               selectivity, high permeability, and long membrane lifespan, these properties may be overestimated due to
               the limited membrane operating area, mild test conditions, and relatively short test durations in the
               laboratory. To truly reflect membrane capabilities, scaled-up application experiments under harsh
               conditions close to real-world applications (e.g., the effects of biochemical contaminants, sudden changes in
               water temperature and flow rate, etc.) are needed, which may pose additional challenges to researchers but
               will significantly facilitate the eventual commercialization of the membranes.

               By addressing these challenges, the development of membranes with optimized nanochannels has the
               potential to transcend the limitations of traditional separation methods. Advances in membrane technology,
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