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Ouyang et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023027 Page 3 of 10
maximum applicable electric field. By using a thick LaNiO buffer layer (~110 nm) on platinized Si and a
fast deposition rate, we successfully suppressed the growth of randomly-oriented, discontinuous columnar
grains in the BaTiO film directly deposited on the Pt electrode. Instead, we achieved a (001)-textured,
continuous columnar nanograin structure. This structure is similar to those obtained at low deposition
temperatures [9,10] but with an increased average grain size (~50-60 nm vs. 10-20 nm), resulting in an
enhanced dielectric response. In comparison to the unbuffered films, the LaNiO -buffered BaTiO films
exhibited a higher dielectric polarization under the same applied electric field (320 MV/m), leading to a
~40% boost in the recyclable energy density of a film capacitor (81.0 J/cm vs. 57.1 J/cm @3.2 MV/cm).
Furthermore, to break down the aspect-ratio conservation of the continuous columnar nanograin
microstructure and its associated thickness scalable energy storage performance , we went back to the
classic random polycrystalline BaTiO film directly deposited on platinized Si. The rapid growth of its grain
size with deposition time led to an increasing polarizability/relative dielectric permittivity with the film
thickness. Consequently, an enhanced energy storage density close to 50 J/cm was achieved in device-level
thick BaTiO films (46.6 J/cm @300 V on a 1.3 μm thick film and 48.8 J/cm @460 V on a 2.6 μm thick film).
These values are ~25 times higher than those of the BaTiO ceramics and serve as an important benchmark
for the future development of multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs).
For the preparation of the platinized Si substrate, a Pt/Ti bilayer bottom electrode was used. The Ti layer,
with a thickness of ~10 nm, is the adhesion layer to bond with the Si substrate. The deposition process was
carried out on a (100) Si substrate at 300 °C via dc magnetron sputtering in a pure Ar atmosphere. The
resulting Pt layer showed a high degree of (111) texture. It is noteworthy that these platinized Si substrates
are also commercially available for this purpose. The (100) Si substrates (10 mm × 10 mm) and ceramic
targets of BaTiO and LaNiO (Φ = 50 mm, t = 5 mm, 99.9% purity) were purchased from the Anhui
Institute of Optics, Chinese Academy of Science. The Pt and Ti sputtering targets (Φ = 50 mm, t = 3 mm,
99.99% purity) were purchased from Zhongnuo Advanced Material Technology Co. Limited (Beijing,
China). The key deposition parameters of the LaNiO -buffered and unbuffered BaTiO film heterostructures
are summarized in Table 1. Dot-shaped Au top electrodes (Φ = 0.2 mm) were sputtered through a masked
plate at room temperature for electrical measurements.
The microstructure of the two types of BaTiO thin film heterostructures was characterized by using X-ray
diffraction (XRD) θ-2θ scans in a commercial Rigaku Dmax-rc XRD diffractometer equipped with a Ni-
filtered Cu K radiation source. The surface morphologies were analyzed via atomic force microscopy (AFM)
on a MicroNano D-5A scanning probe microscope (Shanghai, China). The layer thicknesses and
nanostructures of the BaTiO thin film heterostructures were analyzed via transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) using a JEM-2010 microscope (JEOL, Japan). The room temperature FE hysteresis loops (P-V) were
measured at 100 Hz via a commercial Multiferroic FE tester (Radiant Technology, USA). The voltage-
dependent capacitance (C-V) curves, from which the relative dielectric permittivity and loss tangent as
functions of the applied voltage/field were obtained, were measured by using a B1505A impedance analyzer
(Agilent Technologies, USA) at 5 kHz by applying a small ac signal of 50 mV. The voltage was swept from
negative maximum to positive maximum and vice versa during the measurements.
Figure 1 shows the XRD θ-2θ scan patterns of the BaTiO /Pt/Ti/Si [Figure 1A] and BaTiO /LaNiO / Pt/Ti/Si
[Figure 1B] thin film heterostructures, respectively. It can be clearly seen that while the unbuffered BaTiO
film showed a typical polycrystalline structure, the LaNiO buffered BaTiO film was (001)-textured, as
reported in our previous publications [13-15] . Furthermore, the degree of crystallinity was significantly