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Zhao et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023022  Page 7 of 9

               Table 1. Performance summary of several typical barocaloric materials
                                           dT /dP                                     -1  -1
                Material            T  (K)  (K GPa )   P (MPa)     V/V (%)   ΔS P →P  (J kg K )  Ref.
                NPG                 313    133        45         -           389                [24]
                C B H 12            277    380        60         -           106.2              [44]
                 2 10
                NH I                243    810        20         -           89                 [45]
                NH SCN              364    300        20         5           128.7              [46]
                Fe Rh               310    60         250        1           12                 [9,10]
                 49  51
                MnNiSi 0.61 FeCoGe 0.39  311  70      260        -           44                 [47]
                Ni 0.95 Fe 0.05 S   274    75         100        2           39.6               [48]
                Mn GaN              290    65         90         1           21.6               [28]
                Mn NiN              262    13.5       280        0.4         35                 [29]
                Mn  Pt              355    139        60         2.26*       13.79              This work
                  2.92  1.08
               *determined for Mn Pt .
               is not too small. The small entropy change at this first-order phase transition is due to unique magnetic
               fluctuations in nature. Magnetic fluctuation refers to the fluctuation of magnetic (electron spin) moment in
               magnetic systems . The interaction between the local moment and the itinerant electron matrix may
               enhance spin fluctuation. Frustration structures are often accompanied by strong spin fluctuations [41,42] .
               Neutron diffraction measurements suggest that the ordered moment is 3.3 µ /Mn atom in the colinear AFM
               state, whereas 2.2 µ /Mn atom in the triangular AFM . The reduction in the latter should be attributed to
               spin fluctuations due to geometric frustration. As a result, the triangle-lattice AFM state is magnetically less
               ordered than the colinear AFM one, which leads to an increase of magnetic entropy across T. At the same
               time, the crystal lattice shows a normal contraction, and a reduction of entropy of the lattice subsystem is
               expected. We infer that the contributions of individuals to the total entropy change partially cancel each
               other out, and the remaining entropy change represents the overall entropy change of the material.
               According to the previous theoretic study, the system can be described by a nearest-neighboring exchange
               interaction J  and a next-nearest-neighboring exchange interaction J . J  is always negative, but J  can be
               negative or positive, dependent on the interatomic distance between Mn atoms . At T, J  just changes its
               sign due to the shrinkage of the Mn-Mn distance. In this sense, such a picture is similar to the exchange
               striction observed in NiMnIn alloys .
               In summary, the first-order phase transitions of Mn Pt  (x = 0.04, 0.08, 0.1, and 0.18) compounds have
               been studied at varying temperatures, pressures, and magnetic fields. At the phase transitions, both
               magnetizations and lattice constants showed abrupt drops as the temperature decreased. While the phase
               transition temperatures decreased at lower Mn content, they increased at higher pressures. This system is
               highly susceptible to pressure, and the pressure-induced entropy changes are saturated at 60 MPa, which is
               the lowest among current intermetallics. This may be due to the intense geometric magnetic frustration.
               Authors’ contributions
               Prepared the samples, collected the data, performed data analysis and contributed to the writing and
               revisions: Zhao X
               Conceived the study, designed the study, and contributed to the writing and revisions: Li B, Zhang K
               Collected some of the data and provided technical support: Qi J, Liu P, Zhang Z (Zhang Zhao), Qu L
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