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Martínez et al.                                                                                                                   Cardiomyocyte energetic changes in ischemia and arrythmogenesis

           Figure 3: Mechanisms involved in the genesis of ventricular arrhythmias in the ischemic myocardiocyte. SR: sarcoplasmic reticulum; NCX:
           Na /Ca  exchanger; ROS: reactive oxygen species; FFA: free fatty acids; P: phosphate
           of  lysophosphatidylcholine, which activates Na    low pH, oxygen depletion, increased intracellular
           channels and Na /H  exchangers, enhancing the entry   calcium and potentiated sympathetic signaling [105] .
           of Na  into the cell [97] . On the other hand, endothelin-1   These events, along with the high proportion of
           activity increases exponentially during acute ischemia,   electrical decoupling and the auto-oscillatory activity
           mediating direct and indirect electrophysiological   of individual cells lay the foundation for a very variable
           effects through type-A endothelin receptors, and   syncytial behavior [106] . This leads to the continuous
           possibly playing a protecting role through type B   generation of mini-reentry circuits from individual
           endothelin receptors during the early stages of    ectopic rhythmic foci within the decoupled cell areas,
           ischemia [98] .                                    which then spread to the better coupled zones
                                                              within the penumbra, constituting the genesis of
           Acute pro-inflammatory cytokines - including TNF-α,   arrhythmias [107] . In concert, these changes are thought
           IL-1β, IL-6 - and metalloproteinases are also found   to be the triggers and substrates for ventricular
           in greater proportions in the myocardium following   arrhythmias, although further research is required to
           an AMI, and may account for the electrophysiological   elucidate them in more detail.
           changes observed in the cardiomyocytes within the
           border zone of the infarction [99] . This suggests an   LIPOTOXIC PHENOMENA IN ISCHEMIA
           inflammatory process is involved in the remodeling   AND ARRHYTHMIA
           and arrhythmogenic changes seen after an infarction.
           Patients with post-AMI arrhythmias tend to display   In 1968, Oliver et al. [108]  determined patients with AMI
           higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines than   and especially those with elevated free FA levels
           those without arrhythmias [100,101] ; and subjects without   had a greater incidence of ventricular arrhythmias in
           AMI or structural myocardial damage with systemic   comparison with normolipemic patients. This finding
           inflammation have shown an increased risk of       has been also been found by various authors ever
           ventricular tachyarrhythmias [102] .               since [109] . More recently, in the Paris Prospective
                                                              Study - a research realized in 5,250 male subjects
           This catalogue of arrhythmogenic changes occur     followed during 22 years - high plasma free FA levels
           heterogeneously along the penumbra of the infarction   have been associated with sudden cardiac death, yet
           zone, impairing its functionality as a syncytium and   appeared to be unrelated to other causes of AMI [110] .
           the electrical coupling among cardiomyocytes [103,104] .
           These phenomena are complex and appear to occur    The exact mechanism through which the shifts in FA/
           erratically due to the dynamic nature of reperfusion,   glucose metabolism in the cardiomyocyte lead to

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