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Martínez et al.                                                                                                                   Cardiomyocyte energetic changes in ischemia and arrythmogenesis

           cardiomyocyte’s metabolic demand, which results    Carbohydrate metabolism in cardiomyocytes
           in an increase in intracellular concentrations  of   Carbohydrates are also a valuable source of energy
           adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and reactive         in the myocardium, with glucose providing roughly a
           oxygen species [31] . In turn, this upregulates AMP-  quarter of the total energy produced in a well-irrigated
           activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key metabolic   heart. Of this total ATP, approximately 10%-40%
           regulator. AMPK is a serine/threonine kinase which   derives from the oxidation of glucose-lactate within
           acts as a metabolic sensor in cardiomyocytes. It is   the TCA, and only 2% derives from glycolysis [43] .
           activated during high energy requirement states,
           enhancing FA availability, uptake and oxidation    Glucose enters the cardiomyocyte through glucose
           in  these  cells  by  promoting  the  expression  and   transporter proteins (GLUT).  Fourteen different
           activation of lipoprotein lipase and CD36, also known   GLUTs have been described in humans, all of which
           as fatty acid translocase [31] . This favors the entry   appear to be able to transport hexoses or polyols,
           of long-chain FA into the cell, preserving stable   although it is suspected that many other GLUT
           levels of ATP in the face of increased metabolic   substrates remain undiscovered [44] . GLUT 1-5 are
           demand  [32] . Nevertheless, excessive expression of   the most studied to date, and they are well-known
           CD36 has been associated with impaired cardiac     to be glucose and/or fructose transporters in various
           insulin sensitivity, reduced uptake of glucose, and   tissues and cell types [45] . In cardiomyocytes, GLUT4 is
           excessive uptake of FA, subsequently causing       the main transporter, translocating to the membrane
           cardiomyocyte lipotoxicity and retention of GLUT4   in response to signaling by insulin, increased work
           in their cytoplasm [33] . Recent  in vitro studies in   demand,  or  ischemia,  with  GLUT1  playing  an
           cardiomyocytes have shown that use of CD36         accessory role [14] .
           blockers or deletion of its coding gene ameliorates
           contractile dysfunction mediated by lipotoxicity, and   The products of glycolysis are utilized in both the TCA
           reduced lipid-induced damage [34,35] . AMPK can also   cycle and the respiratory chain in order to generate
           inhibit acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which enhances     ATP through oxidative phosphorylation [46] . Although
           mitochondrial  FA  uptake.  In  addition,  in  energy   only 2% the heart’s ATP is produced in glycolysis, it
           depletion states, AMPK increases GLUT4 expression   becomes very important under anaerobic or ischemic
           and inhibits its internalization and also enhances   conditions. Indeed, in heart failure and hypertrophy,
           glycolysis by phosphorylation of phosphofructokinase   there is a metabolic switch towards favoring
           2. It may also facilitate glycogen storage in adequate   carbohydrate over FA metabolism in the heart, with a
           ATP supply states [36] .                           notable change being the acceleration of glycolysis [47] .
                                                              This increase in the glycolytic flux appears to be due
           In addition to their plasma concentration, an important   to a functional upregulation in the pathway’s enzyme,
           long-term regulator of FA β-oxidation is the modulation   rather than a clear increase in the expression of
           by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) [37] .   glycolytic enzymes [48] .
           Numerous coactivator proteins, such as PPAR-γ co-
           activator 1-α can powerfully induce the transcription   This shift towards utilization of glucose in the
           of PPAR target genes, including those involved in   hypertrophic myocardium had traditionally been
           FA storage (such as diacylglycerol acyltransferase,   considered a maladaptive change. Nevertheless,
           promoted by PPARα), FA oxidation (such as medium-  recent studies in bioengineering-modified mice have
           chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, promoted by PPARα/   demonstrated glucose-dependence not to be harmful
           β/δ/γ), and glucose metabolism (such as pyruvate   in adult hearts, and a decrease in the utilization of
           dehydrogenase kinase 4, promoted by PPARα) [38,39] .  glucose appears to be deleterious in failure and
                                                              hypertrophy [49] . For example, mice with GLUT1
           PPAR also plays an important role in the regulation   overexpression - and thus, increased glycolysis -
           of oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system, with   appear to be protected against heart failure and left
           several isoforms implicated in various transcriptional   ventricular dilatation, even when subjected to pressure
           mechanisms for antioxidant genes [40,41] . For example,   overload [50,51] . On the other hand, those with deletion
           PPARα and PPARγ promote the transcription and      of GLUT4 and insulin receptors in the heart failure,
           activation of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1),   and showed worse responses to cardiac hypertrophy-
           Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD2) and catalase in     promoting stimuli [52] .
           cardiac tissue. Furthermore, PPARα augments IGF-
           1 transcription, subsequently activating the IGF-1/  The phosphocreatine-creatine kinase system
           PI3K pathway, inhibiting apoptosis and protecting   incardiomyocytes
           cardiomyocytes under ischemic stress [42] .        Because both the systole and diastole are active,

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