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Martínez et al. Vessel Plus 2017;1:230-41                                         Vessel Plus
           DOI: 10.20517/2574-1209.2017.34
            Review                                                                              Open Access

           Energetic metabolism in cardiomyocytes:

           molecular basis of heart ischemia and


           María Sofía Martínez , Andrés García , Eliana Luzardo , Mervin Chávez-Castillo , Luis Carlos Olivar , Juan Salazar ,
           Manuel Velasco , Joselyn Joanna Rojas Quintero , Valmore Bermúdez 1,4
           1 Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Zulia, 4001 Maracaibo, Venezuela.
           2 Department of Pharmacology, “JM Vargas” Medical School, Central University of Venezuela, 1051 Caracas, Venezuela.
           3 Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
           4 Advanced Frontier Studies Research Group (ALEF), Simón Bolívar University, 54003 Cúcuta, Colombia.
           Correspondence to: Dr. María Sofía Martinez, Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Zulia, 4001
           Maracaibo, Venezuela. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Martínez MS, García A, Luzardo E, Chávez-Castillo M, Olivar LC, Salazar J, Velasco M, Rojas Quintero JJ, Bermúdez V.
           Energetic metabolism in cardiomyocytes: molecular basis of heart ischemia and arrhythmogenesis. Vessel Plus 2017;1:230-41.
            Article history:              Cardiac muscle contraction is a strictly regulated process which conjugates a series of
            Received: 19 Oct 2017         electrophysiological, biochemical and mechanic events, resulting in the pumping of blood to
            First Decision: 15 Nov 2017   all bodily tissues. These phenomena require a very high energetic demand both for generating
            Revised: 29 Nov 2017          the necessary mechanical force, and for maintaining cellular homeostasis during the process.
            Accepted: 29 Nov 2017         In the myocardium, fatty acids (FA) represent the main energy substrate, although other
            Published: 28 Dec 2017        secondary substrates, such as glucose and ketone bodies, may also be used. Nevertheless,
                                          under certain conditions such as heart failure or myocardial ischemia, FA metabolism may
            Keywords:                     become deleterious via mechanisms such as oxidative stress and arrhythmogenesis. In an
            Myocardial metabolism,        ischemic milieu, various metabolic changes occur as a consequence of hypoxia, favoring cell
            cardiomyocyte,                necrosis, ventricular arrhythmias, and death. Major events in this context include an increase
            myocardial infarction,        in extracellular K , a decrease in pH, and accumulation of intracellular calcium. This review
            arrhythmias                   includes a detailed description of the molecular basis underlying myocardial contraction and
                                          energetic metabolism in cardiomyocytes, aiming to promote an integral understanding of the
                                          pathophysiology of heart ischemia. This in turn may aid in the development of future, more
                                          satisfactory alternative treatments in the management of acute coronary ischemia episodes.

           INTRODUCTION                                       (ATP) production. However, in cardiomyocytes, the
                                                              majority of the energy produced derives from the
           The heart is composed of specialized muscle tissue,   mitochondrial oxidation of free fatty acids (FA) .
           the myocardium, which depends on a constant input
           of energy for adequate functioning, and thus utilizes   Alterations in myocardial energetic metabolism may
           various sources of carbon for adenosine triphosphate   lead to conditions such as ischemic heart disease,

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