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Wu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Mast cells and vein graft remodelling

           INTRODUCTION                                       cells also  regulate vascular matrix  remodelling  after
                                                              resolution  of  acute  inflammation.  This  is  particularly
           Mast cells are  versatile innate immune cells, well-  important under pro-atherosclerotic  conditions as
           known  for  their  role  in  inflammation  and  innate   vascular smooth muscle cells from pro-atherosclerotic
           immunity. [1,2]  Despite the wide distribution of mast   animals are more susceptible to chronic proliferation in
           cells in arterial adventitia and perivascular connective   response to mitogenic stimuli.  In the present study,
           tissue,  our  understanding  of  the  influence  of  mast   we performed interpositional vein grafting in mast cell
           cells  in vascular  disease  is limited.  In recent years,   deficient mouse lines bred on both a normolipidaemic
           accumulating  evidence  suggests that mast cells   and  hyperlipidaemic  genetic background  (Kit W-sh/W-sh
           promote  vascular  inflammation  and  contribute  to  the   and apoE Kit W-sh/W-sh ) to address this question.
           progression of a number of vascular diseases including
           atherosclerosis,  aortic aneurysm and vein graft   METHODS
           neointima hyperplasia. [3-6]  Systemic activation of mast
           cells using dinitrophenyl-albumin increased plaque size in   Animals
           apoE mice, whilst selective stimulation of perivascular   All experiments which involved animals conformed
           mast cells  had no impact on plaque  formation  but   to  Directive 2010/63/EU of  the European Parliament
           destabilised  established plaque with increased intra-  and  also  to  the  UK  Home  Office  Animal  (Scientific
           plaque haemorrhage.  Compound  48/80, another      Procedures)  Act 1986 and were performed under
           mast cell activator,  demonstrated a similar effect  to   Project Licence  PPL 60/4114. In addition,  ethical
           promote atherosclerosis  development,  which  was   permission  for the study had been granted  by the
           inhibited by the mast cell  stabiliser  cromolyn. [8,9]  In   University of Strathclyde ethical review committee.
           addition to pharmacological manipulation of mast cell
           function,  studies  using  genetic  mast  cell  deficiency   Mice carrying the Kit W-sh/W-sh  mutation were used in
           (as a consequence  of spontaneous  mutation in the   this study as a mast cell deficiency model. Kit W-sh/W-sh
           promoter region  of the c-kit gene )  also  confirmed   is a spontaneous mutation in the promoter region of
           the detrimental effect of mast cells in atherosclerosis.    the c-kit gene which is critical for mast cell survival.
           Mechanistic  studies  revealed  that activated  mast   As the c-kit gene itself is intact, c-kit expression is
           cells synthesised and released a wide range of pro-  preserved to some extent in the early life of these mice.
           inflammatory  factors  including  interleukin  (IL)-6  and   Consequently,  systemic  mast  cell  deficiency  does
           IL-8, interferon gamma, tumournecrosis factor alpha,   not develop until 4 weeks old. Jackson Laboratories
           histamine, chymase and tryptase. Consequently, mast   (USA) was the original supplier of both the Kit W-sh/W-sh
           cells exacerbated vascular inflammation with increased   and apoE mice and these were subsequently bred in-
           intra-plaque leukocyte infiltration, lipid uptake, vascular   house. Both strains were on a C57BL/6J background.
           matrix degradation and subsequent plaque expansion   In order to generate a hyperlipidaemic mouse line
           and destabilisation. [6]                           lacking mast cells, apoE and Kit W-sh/W-sh  mice were
                                                              cross-bred.  For  the  normolipidaemic  Kit W-sh/W-sh   mice,
           In vein graft disease, neointimal  hyperplasia  is   the  congenic  control  was  C57BL/6J  while  for  the
           the major cause of restenosis. [11,12]  The  neointima   hyperlipidaemic apoE Kit W-sh/W-sh  mice, the apoE  was
           formation in vein  grafts is mainly  driven  by acute   the congenic control. All mice were maintained on a
           vascular inflammation. In a mouse vein graft model, the   cycle of 12-h periods of light and dark and allowed
           acute inflammation usually lasts less than two weeks   access to normal chow diet and water ad libitum. Male
           following grafting surgery. [13,14]  The neointima thereafter   mice  (about  10  to  20  weeks  old)  were  used  in this
           undergoes  a remodelling  stage where neointimal   study.
           cells differentiate into smooth  muscle-like  cells and
           synthesise large amount of vascular matrix including   Surgery
           collagen and elastin as a process of arterialisation. [12,15]    The mouse vein graft model is a well-established
           The remodelling process stabilises neointimal cells and   model for studying neointimal hyperplasia. [13,14]  Briefly,
           prevents chronic neointimal thickening. We and others   i.p. injection of sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg) was
           have found that perivascular  mast cells boost acute   used as an anaesthetic agent with top-up doses
           vein  graft  inflammation  via  an  increase  in  cytokine   administered  as appropriate and depending  on the
           secretion and activation of the complement system. [14,16]    depth of anaesthesia demonstrated by the pedal
           This  leads  to  a  significant  rise  in  cell  proliferation  in   withdrawal  reflex.  All  animals  received  perioperative
           the  acute  inflammation  stage  (one  week  after  vein   analgesic  cover (buprenorphine; 0.05 mg/kg body
           graft  implantation) and more neointima formation.   weight, s.c.). From a donor mouse, the thoracic inferior
           However,  it  is not clear whether perivascular  mast   vena cava was carefully harvested. In all experiments
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