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Wu et al.                                                                                                                                                                               Mast cells and vein graft remodelling

           DISCUSSION                                         covalently binds to the positively charged tropoelastin
                                                              to  accelerate  tropoelastin  coacervation  and  elastic
           This study demonstrates firstly that perivascular mast   fibre  formation. [22-24]  However, the very short half-
           cells elevate neointimal elastin deposition under both   life of heparin limits its pharmacological potency for
           normolipidaemic and hyperlipidaemic conditions, and   therapeutic purposes.  Only continuous intravenous
           secondly that they suppress neointimal thickening in   delivery, [26-28]  but not short term treatment,  inhibited
           hyperlipidaemic mice possibly via down regulation of   neointima thickening. Interestingly, perivascular
           cell proliferation within the vein graft.          delivery of heparin required a much smaller dose
                                                              and was more effective in suppression of neointima
           Elastin is one of the fundamental structural proteins   hyperplasia, [20,25]  which matches the source of
           of the arterial wall that regulates vascular elasticity   endogenous heparin from perivascular mast cells.
           and stabilises smooth muscle cells.  The  present   Thirdly, mast cell granules are enriched with heparin
           study demonstrates that mast cells play a previously   and the heparin-based particles are capable of
           unrecognised role in promotion of elastin deposition   long distance travel within tissue  which makes
           during  vein  graft  remodelling.  The  causality  is   perivascular mast cells an ideal and indeed the only
           demonstrated by the data showing that mast  cell   source for continuous heparin supply to assist vascular
           deficiency  reduced,  and  mast  cell  reconstitution   elastogenesis.
           rescued, elastin deposition in the vein graft.
           Although the exact mechanism of how mast cells     It  is  intriguing  that  mast  cell-dependent  elastin
           regulate  elastin  deposition  is  not  yet  clear,  there  is   deposition had a divergent impact on neointimal
           a consensus within the literature that heparin is the   hyperplasia in  normolipidaemic and hyperlipidaemic
           potential mediator. The evidence for the involvement   vein grafts.  This could be a consequence of the
           of heparin is three-fold. Firstly, mast cells are the only   different dynamics of neointima formation and vascular
           cell type that produces heparin  in vivo.  Secondly,   matrix remodelling. In normolipidaemic mice, the
           heparin is known to promote elastogenesis and      neointima  formation  is  driven  by  acute  inflammation
           supress neointima hyperplasia in injured arteries   and proliferation which peak within one week and
           and vascular grafts. [20,21]  Being the most negatively   are complete by 2 weeks. [13,31]  During the 3rd and
           charged molecule in biological systems, heparin    4th weeks, the neointimal proliferation decreases

           Figure 2: Mast cell deficiency in hyperlipidaemic mice increased neointima area with elevated chronic cell proliferation. (A) Representative
           images of cell proliferation in 4-week-old vein grafts. Proliferating cells were labelled using an antibody against Ki67 (green) and cell nuclei
           by DAPI (blue). The neointimal area in apoE  Kit W-sh/W-sh  vein grafts was significantly higher than all other groups (B), associated with
           elevated cell proliferation by 4 weeks (C). n > 6 for all groups; **P < 0.01 by one-way analysis of variance plus Tukey post hoc test
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