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Orgun et al.                                                                                                                                          Regenerative mechanisms of adipose-derived stem cells

           tissue  ischemia  and  fibrosis. [50]   The ischemia is due   It is being more widely acknowledged that ASCs have
           to inadequate vasculature and incompetent vessels in   revitalizing effects on stem-cell depleted tissues such
           irradiated tissues. The radiated skin shows erythema,   as  radiation  wounds  or  ischemic  fibrotic  tissues. [57,58]
           teleangiectasia,  abnormal  pigmentation  and dermal   Administration of ASCs seems to improve vascularity
           atrophy. Once a radiation  wound  is developed,  it   and healing capacity for these morbid conditions. This
           becomes more and more complicated with necrosis,   matter is very promising since there are currently no
           infection,  and  fibrosis. [51]   These chronic radiation   effective treatments for these conditions.
           injuries  however  could  improve  by  sufficient  blood
           supply to the tissues since it is a well known fact that   THE SYNERGISM BETWEEN ASCS AND
           the microvasculature is of utmost importance for proper   MACROPHAGES AND THE IMMUNE
           wound healing.
                                                              REGULATORY EFFECTS OF ASCS
           ASCs therapy is promising for the treatment of such   Another recent focus  of  interest on  ASCs  research
           wounds.  ASCs residing  in the irradiated  tissue are   is the  cells’ relation  to immunomodulation. [59]  Like
           susceptible to radiation  injury, [52]  but can survive in   any  other cell,  ASCs interact with  other cells,  and
           an irradiated  tissue if implanted  after the radioactive   especially  their relations  with macrophages  have
           insult. ASCs administration  leads to improved blood   recently  become  a topic of interest. It is known  that
           perfusion,  capillary  density and VEGF levels  in   there are two macrophage subsets; the M1 phenotype
           irradiated wounds. [22]   Viability  of  irradiated  skin  flaps   which  has  pro-inflammatory  properties,  and  the  M2
           increased when treated with ASC injection in correlation   phenotype  which  has  anti-inflammatory  effects  on
           with  increased  vascularity  in  the  flaps  injected  with   tissue.  ASCs are  shown  to interact  especially  with
           ASC. [53]  At cellular level, ASCs were shown to stimulate   the M2 subset. [60,61]  M2 macrophage activation by the
           fibroblast proliferation and increase the expression of   interaction with ASCs improves the volume retention
           several cytokines such as interleukin-6  (IL-6), bFGF   of  fat  grafts  by  stimulating angiogenesis. [62]  As  an
           and  VEGF  secreted  by  fibroblasts  after  radioactive   explanation  of  this observation, gene expression of
           insult. [54]
                                                              several  angiogenic  cytokines, such  as VEGF, HGF,
                                                              bFGF,  and stromal cell-derived  factor-1  were found
           The  literature is rich in terms  of  clinical applications   to be increased in the macrophages cultured in ASCs
           of ASCs to cure radiation injury. Akita et al. [55]  injected
           ASCs to the chronic radiation wounds of 10 patients   conditioned media. Additional studies documented that
           who received adjuvant radiotherapy after mastectomy.   the  host  macrophage  depletion  significantly  impairs
           Autologous  ASCs with human recombinant  bFGF      ASCs mediated  angiogenesis  and  ASCs mediated
           on  an  artificial  dermis  were  applied  on  debrided   angiogenesis  can be prevented  with monoclonal
           radiation  wounds of patients. It is known  that MSCs   antibody mediated blocking of  IL-10 (a cytokine
           are resistant to radiation. The angiogenic growth factor   product of macrophages).   It was also suggested that
           bFGF  has proved to  be very effective for  patients   M2 macrophages play an important role in the ASCs
           with severe wounds.  Human  recombinant  bFGF is   mediated  lymphangiogenesis.   Taken  together,
           clinically approved and widely used for the treatment   these findings support the hypothesis that an existing
           of chronic wounds in Japan. Artificial skin substitutes   association  with  ASCs and might be an important
           provide a favorable environment for both internal and   regulator of angiogenesis [Figure 2].
           external cells and growth factors.  This combination
           treatment led to complete healing of radiation wounds,   In addition, it was demonstrated that ASCs inhibit and
           lasting at least more than 1.5 years. In a similar study,   decrease  inflammatory  cytokines  and  increase  IL-10
           Rigotti et al. [56]  investigated the effects of lipoaspirate   levels in vivo by acting on macrophages. [64]  This suggests
           administration into the radiation wounds of 20 patients   that ASCs  might  have  immunomodulatory  effects  by
           who received adjuvant radiotherapy after mastectomy   regulating pro-inflammatory cytokine concentrations in
           or  quadrantectomy for  breast cancer.  Dramatic   the inflamed tissue. It is most likely due to this effect
           improvement of symptoms and complete healing of the   that  ASCs transplantation in dystrophic muscles of
           wound was observed in all patients. This improvement   dystrophin-deficient  mice  improved  muscle  strength
           is believed to be due to the proangiogenic paracrine   and resistance to fatigue. [65]  It was also documented
           effects of  ASCs present  in the lipoaspirate.  Despite   that  ASCs transplantation  induces macrophage
           the encouraging clinical  results, it should  be noted   migration and the secretions of ASCs are dependent
           that neither of these studies included a patient group   on inflammatory cells. [66]
           without treatment for comparison. Future studies with
           randomized subjects are necessary for a higher level   There are other studies regarding the interaction
           of evidence.                                       between  ASCs  and  fibroblasts  in  the  literature.
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