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Orgun et al.                                                                                                                                          Regenerative mechanisms of adipose-derived stem cells

           and hypoxia  inducible  factor-1a (HIF-1a) by the   ASCs and keratinocytes led to epithelialization of full
           preconditioned ASCs. [35]                          thickness wounds with minimal wound contracture.
                                                              The authors claimed that this improvement in wound
           There have been several  clinical  studies conducted   healing was due to the paracrine secretions of ASCs.
           on human patients as well. Lee et al. [36]  investigated   Moreover,  co-administration  of acellular  conditioned
           the clinical safety of ASCs administration  in patients   medium (CM) from ASCs cultures with PRP increased
           with critical limb ischemia. Two thirds of the patients   keratinocyte and fibroblast proliferation, [42]  as well as
           showed significant clinical improvement by complete   keratinocyte maturation. [43]
           wound healing and formation of collateral vessels
           in  the  affected  area.  There  were  no  side  effects  or   There is also evidence that ASCs could differentiate
           undesirable outcomes after treatment.  The authors   into keratinocyte-like  cells and express keratinocyte
           suggested  that  the  improvement  was  due  to  the   specific  markers  when  co-cultured  on  a  fibroblast
           angiogenic paracrine properties of  ASCs; however,   layer. [44,45]
           the lack of histological and molecular evaluation of the
           results deems it impossible to offer a clear scientific   Zografou  et al. [46,47]  have investigated the effects of
           explanation.  Even  though  the  beneficial  effects  of   transplanted  autologous ASCs on full thickness skin
           ASCs  such  as  their  differentiation  capacity  and   graft survival  and  wound  healing  in  diabetic  rats.
           secretion  of  pro-angiogenic  factors  are  confirmed in   Graft  survival was improved compared  with control.
           vitro, the exact mechanisms for their in vivo activity are   Curiously,  ASCs showed arrangement in tubular
           not well established. More clinical studies are needed   structures  which were positively stained with both
           to fully comprehend the therapeutic abilities of ASCs   VEGF and  von Willebrand  Factor (vWF) staining in
           in wound healing in order to construct standardized   vivo.  Increased  tissue  expression  of  TGF-β3  and
           treatment modalities in the future.                VEGF  were shown in skin grafts  with transplanted
                                                              ASCs by the same group in another study.
           HEALING                                            There is also evidence that ASCs have lifesaving effects
                                                              on the residing cells of tissues after an ischemic insult.
           Chronic wounds are a  prominent health issue all   A  study  by  Hao  et  al. [48]   showed that  transplantation
           around the world and the management  of these      of ASCs inhibited myocyte apoptosis in the ischemic
           wounds is challenging. Diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers   muscle.
           and  pressure  ulcers  represent  80-90%  of all  chronic
           wounds. [37]  Even with optimal conditions, the healing   Unfortunately,  topical or injected  ASCs usually tend
           process  mostly  leads  to  scarring  and  fibrosis.  Many   to stay in the applied  location and fail to effectively
           cases fail to heal and lead to amputations of the lower   migrate.  The delivery method of  ASCs to  wounds
           extremity, which are very debilitating  for the patient.   has been a thoroughly  investigated  topic of great
           In addition, these wounds usually have superposed   importance.  Delivery  systems which  supply  a
           infection, and if not treated correctly may lead to sepsis   favorable  microenvironment  for the ASCs to survive
           or even death. [38]  The importance and high prevalence   are suggested to increase  their regenerative  effects.
           of chronic wounds provoked numerous investigations   For example, administration of ASCs to open wounds
           in order to find a better treatment for these wounds. The   on a silk fibroin-chitosan scaffold accelerated wound
           positive effects  of ASCs on wound healing  inchronic   closure and new vessel formation. ASCs delivered by
           and complex wounds (such as anorectal fistula due to   the scaffold infiltrated into the proliferating epithelium
           Crohn disease) have been well demonstrated. [39]  It is   and vascular tissue and expressed smooth muscle
           critical to consider that the animal wound models used   actin, also differentiated into cells similar to of the
           in these studies are different than human wounds in   epidermal epithelium. [40]  Currently, scaffolds are also
           many aspects; however, the results are promising.   being used to  induce differentiation of  ASCs into
                                                              specific cell lines. [49]
           There is evidence that  ASCs could  be contributing
           to the healing  of both mesodermal  (i.e. dermis) and   There is an increase of  radiation injuries  and
           ectodermal  (i.e. keratinocytes) derived tissues in   wounds  with the widespread use of radiotherapy,
           the wound. [40]   The interaction between  ASCs and   interventional radiological or cardiological procedures,
           keratinocytes  has been  a subject  of interest and  a   and radioactive material intake for  nuclear medicine
           fair amount of investigation has been done regarding   related scans or treatments. Chronic radiation wounds
           this issue. Ozpur et al. [41]  has demonstrated that the   usually cannot be treated with conventional methods
           administration  of  a  fibrin  matrix  seeded  with  both   such  as  flap  surgery  or  skin  grafting  because  of
             36                                                                                    Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ March 22, 2017
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