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Orgun et al.                                                                                                                                          Regenerative mechanisms of adipose-derived stem cells


           Figure 2: The interaction between ASCs and M2 macrophages. ASCs: adipose-derived stem cells; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth
           factor; bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor; HGF: hepatocyte growth factor; IL-10: interleukin-10

           Kim  et al. [67]  showed that  ASCs conditioned media   Authors’ contributions
           promotes  dermal  fibroblast  proliferation,  suggesting   Manuscript’s preparation: D. Orgun
           the  paracrine  activation  of  fibroblasts  by ASCs. The   Manuscript’s review: H. Mizuno
           same fibroblasts cultured in ASCs conditioned media   Concept and design: H. Mizuno
           were  found  to  secrete  increased  amounts  of  type  I   Literature search: D. Orgun
           collagen, and their expression of ECM proteins were
           found  to  be  augmented.These  findings  suggest  that   Financial support and sponsorship
           this interaction might be playing an important role in
           wound healing.                                     None.
                                                              Conflicts of interest
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.
           Many tissues have “intrinsic” stem  cells in a resting
           state,  activated with injury in order to  repair the   Patient consent
           damage. However, the number of these cells is usually   Not applicable.
           very small for complete regeneration by differentiating
           into the harmed cell lines. Recent investigations   Ethics approval
           suggest that  most  stem  cell lines also secrete
           potent growth factors,  and this indirect “paracrine”   All the procedures followed were in accordance with
           or “bystander”  effect could  be as important  as their   the ethical standards of the responsible com-mittee on
           ability to differentiate in tissue regeneration. [68]  There   human experimentation (institutional or regional) and
           is convincing evidence that the paracrine secretions by   with the Helsinki Declaration when reporting studies on
           ASCs improve wound healing and angiogenesis. The   human beings.
           data that we have obtained in our lab over the years
           in several experiments also suggest that the paracrine   REFERENCES
           secretions of ASCs are extremely potent. We believe   1.   Becker AJ, McCulloch EA, Till  JE. Cytological  demonstration  of
           that an accurate knowledge of ASCs secretome and its   the clonal nature of spleen colonies derived from transplanted mouse
           effects will help us to establish ASCs as a more viable   marrow cells. Nature 1963;197:452-54.
           clinical therapy in the future.                    2.   Zuk PA, Zhu M, Mizuno H, Huang J, Futrell JW, Katz AJ, Benhaim P,
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