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Orgun et al.                                                                                                                                          Regenerative mechanisms of adipose-derived stem cells

           A fraction of these studies initiated by plastic surgeons   due to their paracrine abilities. [26]
           attempt to utilize the angiogenic potential  of  ASCs
           primarily  to introduce effective treatment modalities   There are also  several  studies  which  investigated
           for debilitating chronic wounds.  ASCs have shown   the effects  of  ASCs administration  on renovascular
           to induce  angiogenesis  and increase  the survival   diseases.  Administration  of  ASCs in pigs with renal
           of ischemic tissues in these preclinical  studies.  The   artery stenosis restored renal hemodynamics
           exact mechanisms for these phenomena are not well   and function. In addition,  increased  VEGF levels,
           established, but it is suggested that the release of pro-  angiogenesis  promotion and normalized  vessel
           angiogenic  growth factors by ASCs could be mainly   diameters were observed in the renal tissue. [27]
                                                              In our recent studies, we have also acquired results
           There is also evidence that ASCs could integrate into   which convinced us that  growth factor secretion by
           tubular structures in vivo and express CD31, a marker   ASCs is quite important. Our group has demonstrated
           for endothelial cells. [22]  However, there is no evidence   that  the osteogenic regeneration  potential of  ASCs
           that  ASCs could directly differentiate into proper   combined with platelet rich plasma (PRP) was greater
           endothelium or fully functional blood vessels.     than ASCs alone. [28]  In vitro studies showed that ASCs
                                                              increased  concentrations  of transforming  growth
           Suga et al. [23]  implanted green fluorescent protein (GFP)   factor beta-1 (TGF-β1), VEGF, IGF-1 and HGF when
           expressing ASCs into ischemic inguinal fat pads of mice   co-cultured with PRP.  We concluded  that  improved
           in  order  to  investigate  their  fate.  They  found  out  that   osteogenesis  could be related to increased growth
           although  the  transplanted ASCs  gradually  diminished   factor secretion. Moreover, co-administration of ASCs
           after implantation,  there  was  less  tissue atrophy  and   with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on murine
           higher  vascular density  in  the  ASC  treated  group   ischemic hindlimbs resulted in increased angiogenesis
           compared with control. Tissue expression of vascular   and  the  enhancement  of  blood  flow  to  the  ischemic
           endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hepatocyte    limb.  Secretion of several  angiogenic  growth  factors
           growth factor (HGF) were also found to be higher.  was enhanced with bFGF, suggesting that a possible
                                                              positive feedback mechanism might be responsible for
           Several studies on cardiac regeneration also revealed   the enhancement of blood flow to the ischemic limbin
           the importance of paracrine secretions of  ASCs.   this study. [29]
           Sadat  et al. [13]  documented that  ASCs have
           cardioprotective effects via secretion of insulin like growth   External changes in physiological factors also seem
           factor-I (IGF-I) and VEGF. Another study by Cai et al. [24]    to  be  influencing  the  paracrine  abilities  of  ASCs.
           suggests that the improvement seen with the        Rehman et al. [30]  demonstrated that, when cultured in
           administration of ASCs after myocardial infarction (MI)   hypoxic conditions, VEGF secretion of ASCs increases
           is not due to the cardiomyocyte differentiation of ASCs   by 5-fold. The conditioned media obtained from ASCs
           but  due to  their ability to  augment angiogenesis  by   cultured in hypoxic conditions are found to be superior
           paracrine mechanisms. They showed that the density   in enhancing endothelial  cell growth compared
           of newly formed vessels in the developing infarct was   with media obtained from  ASCs cultured in normal
           significantly  higher  in  the  group  treated  with  ASCs.   conditions. This might be due to an increased secretion
           This is supported by the results of another study which   of growth factors by ASCs in hypoxic conditions.
           demonstrated that the post-MI administration of ASCs
           augmented  vessel  density  and  prevented  abnormal   The effects of ASCs transplantation on flap viability have
           remodeling of the infarct area in pigs. [25]  Transplanted   also been investigated in detail.  Suartz  et al.  has
           ASCs failed  to stay engrafted in the myocardium,   showed that ASCs injection increased the viability of
           suggesting that their indirect paracrine effects could be   random pattern dorsal skin flaps in rats. This application
           responsible for the improved outcome.              also seems to  increase the  viability of  interpolation
                                                              flaps  and  reduce  the  time  until  pedicle  division,  due
           Another study showed that ASCs implanted in ischemic   to increased vascularity of the flap. [33]  Our group also
           hind limb of mice neither differentiate into endothelial   demonstrated that  ASCs treatment improves the
           cells nor integrate into the host capillary vasculature,   survival  of  flaps  with  venous  congestion  or  provides
           however  promote angiogenesis  and formation of    protection against ischemia-reperfusion  injury. [34]
           collateral  vessels  with  amplified  angiogenic  signals   Moreover,  when the  ASCs were preconditioned  in
           (via VEGF/mTOR/Akt pathway). Similarly, these cells   hypoxic conditions then implanted to skin flaps, they
           show low survival rates when implanted, which once   were shown to increase flap survival. This phenomenon
           again supports that the regenerative effects could be   is thought to be due to the increased release of VEGF
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