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Original Article                                   Plastic and Aesthetic Research

           Reconstruction of the anterior skull base

           with radial forearm free tissue transfer: case

           series and literature review

           Windy A. Olaya, Lauren T. Daly, Emily G. Clark, Thomas Scholz, Vincent Laurence,
           Keyianoosh Z. Paydar, Garrett A. Wirth, Gregory R. D. Evans

           Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, University of California Irvine, Orange, CA 92868, USA.
           Address for correspondence: Dr. Windy A. Olaya, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, University of California Irvine, 200 South
           Manchester, Suite 650, Orange, CA 92868, USA. E-mail:

                Aim: Reconstruction of the anterior skull base offers an especially complex challenge as the impermeable
                separation of the dural space and the upper aerodigestive tract must be maintained. We propose the
                use of the radial forearm free flaps (RFFF) as a superb method of re-establishing integrity in anterior
                skull  base defects.  Methods:  Literature  review  and  retrospective  analysis  of  4  single-institution
                cases of anterior skull base defects reconstructed with a RFFF. Data were collected on successful and
                unsuccessful defect repairs, complication rates, and length of hospitalization. Results: The indications
                for surgery were pneumocephalus, recurrent brain abscesses, recurrent frontal sinus mucoceles, and
                cerebrospinal fluid leak. Of the 4 cases, 1 was complicated by a small dehiscence of the craniotomy
                site, 1 developed infection, and 2 required further surgery. Conclusion: The use of RFFF is an excellent
                option for reconstruction of defects in the anterior skull base, especially those complicated by radiation,
                prior surgery, or infections. Patients with skull base defects are inherently at high risk for post-surgical
                complications. The RFFF transfers healthy, viable, well-vascularized tissue to prevent further infections
                and provides a reliable barrier between the dural and sinonasal spaces. This can reduce the need for
                repeat neurosurgical operations and hospitalizations.

                Key words:
                Aterior skull base; defect; reconstruction; plastic surgery; free flap; radial forearm free flap

           INTRODUCTION                                        infections. [1-4]  Patients with these defects are generally quite
                                                               ill with poor  nutritional status and  a weakened immune
           The use of free tissue transfer for reconstructing the   system.  They  are  at risk for multiple life-threatening
           anterior skull base has become a well-established treatment   conditions including meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess,
           for the rehabilitation of patients with life-threatening and   persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, pneumocephalus,
           disfiguring  defects resulting  from  craniofacial resections.   and even herniation of brain tissue. [1-3]  Thus it is paramount
           Defects of the anterior skull base are intrinsically complex   that  reconstruction of anterior  skull base  defects be
           with an irregular serrated surface separating the dura from
           the sinonasal space, and are often complicated further by
           radiation, multiple prior surgical interventions, and repeat   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
                                                               Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
                                                               tweak and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited
                                                               and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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                Quick Response Code:                           For reprints contact:
                                    Website:                    How to cite this article: Olaya WA, Daly LT, Clark EG, Scholz T,
                                                                Laurence V, Paydar KZ, Wirth GA, Evans GRD. Reconstruction of
                                                                the anterior skull base with radial forearm free tissue transfer: case
                                    DOI:                        series and literature review. Plast Aesthet Res 2016;3:47-51.
                                                                Received: 18-06-2015; Accepted: 04-12-2015
           © 2016 Plastic and Aesthetic Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                            47
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