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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Elasticum suspension

           INTRODUCTION                                       Table 1: Age distribution of patients
                                                               Age (years)                     Number
           Most patients who desire to undergo facial rejuvenation   30-39                        4
           want their skin in the mandible and zygomatic regions   40-49                         12
           to be pulled cranially without a visible scar from the   50-59                        15
           facelift.  In order to fulfil these goals, the S-lift followed   60-69                11
           by minimal access cranial suspension (MACS) lift has   70-79                           4
           been developed and put into practice. [1-3]  The MACS   Total (53.9 ± 10.9)           46
           lift requires a smaller incision, less dissection, and
           less operating time than classical facelift operations.   needle along the cervicomandibular angle, and the
           Although it has the advantage of a shorter recovery   elastic threads were looped around the contralateral
           time, it nonetheless requires at least 2 or 3 weeks   Lore’s fascia, but were not tied. The same needle
           before patients can return to social activities. Recently,   was passed along a 1.0 cm parallel line below the
           the elastic facelift technique has been introduced.   cervicomandibular angle. Returning to the initial Lore
           Using a straight needle and elastic thread fixed at the   fascia, the elastic thread was tied under maximum
           midpoint of the needle, lower face lifts and neck lifts   tension. During passage of the Jano needle, slight up-
           have been performed. [4,5]  The aim of this study is to   and-down movements of the needle tip allowed the
           characterize the effects of the elastic facelift procedure   operator to ensure that the pathway of the needle was
           using elasticum suspension on the cervical angle and   not too superficial.
           anthropometric distances.
                                                              In both elastic facelifts and elastic neck lifts, the excess
           METHODS                                            skin could be excised in order to prevent tissue from
                                                              getting jammed. Just after anchoring, patients were
           Patients                                           checked for skin dimples, and when present, filler or
           A total of 46 patients (4 males, 42 females) were   fat injections were performed [Figure 2].
           operated on between July 2013 and May 2015. Their
           mean age was 53.9 ± 10.9 years (range 33-79 years).   Lateral photographs
           Most of the patients were in their 40s (12), 50s (15),   Lateral photographs were taken in the standard manner
           and 60s (11) [Table 1].                            preoperatively, 2 weeks and 6 months postoperatively.

           Operative technique                                The patients sat 90 cm from the lens (EFS18-55 mm,
           Preoperatively, a marking pen was used to indicate   Canon EOS600D, Canon, Tokyo, Japan). Flashes
           the points where the elastic thread was to be passed   (FOMEX D400, Fomex, Seoul, Korea) on both sides
           and turned toward the entry site of the thread; these   were synchronized (Shutter speed: 1/100 s, ISO: 200).
           points were located about 3.0 cm and 1.5 cm from
           the preauricular fold, on and superior to a line running   Anthropometric measurements
           from below the earlobe to the lower part of the alar   The preoperative and postoperative profile views were
           nasi. For the neck lift, 2 lines were marked from the
           earlobe junction. The 1st line was to a point near the
           angle of the mandible, and the 2nd line inferior to the
           1st for making a loop [Figure 1].

           In order to perform an elastic facelift without skin
           excision, two 4-5 mm incisions a few centimetres
           apart were made in the sideburn area. Through blunt
           dissection, the deep temporal fascia was approached.
           An elastic thread (Elasticum  EP3,5 USP 0 Jano
           needle  115 mm, Korpo SRL, Genova, Italy) was
           anchored to this fascia. In order to perform an elastic
           neck lift without skin excision, a 1.0 cm incision was
           made just in front of the earlobe. The elastic thread was   Figure 1: Preoperative design. Red solid lines: skin incision; red
           anchored to the tympanoparotid fascia (Lore’s fascia).    dotted lines: extent of skin excision; blue area: extent of dissection;
                                                              white lines: passages and knots of Elasticum . Note the lowermost
           The Jano needle was passed 5 mm under the skin     point of elasticum suspension should be superior to the line from
                                                              below the earlobe to the lower part of the alar nasi to avoid the
           surface, as determined by the depth mark of the    parotid duct injury
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 23, 2016                  385
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