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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Elasticum suspension

            A                                                                       Figure 3: Measured distances and
                                                                                    angles. Distance from the Gonion-
                                                                                    gnathion (Gn) to cervical point (C)
                                                                                    (Gn-C), from Gn to labiale inferioris
                                                                                    (Li) (Gn-Li), from C to the visible
                                                                                    thyroid cartilage (T) (C-T). Mental
                                                                                    angle (MA): an angle formed by a
                                                                                    line connecting glabella (G) and
                                                                                    pogonion (Pg) and a line from the
                                                                                    menton (M) to C. Cervical angle
                                                                                    (CA): an angle formed by a line from
                                                                                    the M to C and a line from C to T

                                                                                    Figure 4:  Calculating cCA.
                                                                                    cCA = mCA + 90° - SSA. mCA:
                                                                                    measured cervical angle; SSA:
                                                                                    angle; SML: submental line; SCML:
                                                                                    sternocleidomastoid line (anterior
                                                                                    border of SCM)

           Figure 2: Operative technique. (A) After anchoring to the deep
           temporal fascia, two-tipped atraumatic needle (Jano needle) travels
           through the deep subcutaneous tissue. The needle must not be
           extracted completely. Once it has been pulled halfway out, the   Table 2: Operated patients according to the skin excision
           thread is pulled through. Depth marks on the shaft of the needle
           indicate how much of the tip remains in the tissue (about 1 cm or   Operation type  Region  Number
           1/2 cm from the surface of the skin). (B) The posterior tip of needle   SE  Face          22
           now become anterior and travels back toward the temporal region       Neck                9
           through the deep subcutaneous tissue until it reaches the point
           where the thread enters the deep temporal fascia. The elastic         Face and neck       3
           thread is then knotted under traction                                 Subtotal            34
                                                               SO                Face                7
           evaluated by identifying the glabella (G), pogonion                   Neck                2
           (Pg), menton (M), gonion-gnathion (Gn), cervical point                Face and neck       3
           (C) and visible thyroid cartilage (T) [Figure 3].                     Subtotal            12
                                                               Total                                 46
                                                              SE: suspension and excision; SO: suspension only
           The following three anthropometric tangents were
           drawn: (1) glabella to pogonion (G to Pg); (2) menton   length: (1) distance from gonion-gnathion to cervical
           to cervical point (M to C); (3) cervical point to visible   point (Gn-C); (2) distance from gonion-gnathion to the
           thyroid cartilage (C to T).
                                                              labiale inferioris (Li) (Gn-Li); (3) distance from cervical
           Two angles were measured: (1) mental angle (MA):   point to visible thyroid cartilage (C-T).
           an angle formed by a line connecting G and Pg and
           a line from M to C (tangent to the submentum). The   Two ratios were calculated: Gn-C/Gn-Li ratio and C-T/
           Gn point was identified at the intersection of the G-Pg   Gn-C ratio.
           line and the M-C line; (2) cervical angle (CA): an
           angle formed by a line from M to C and a line from C   RESULTS
           to T. Since neck flexion might influence the cervical
           angle, measured cervical angle (mCA) was converted   Among the 46 patients who were operated on, 34
           to corrected cervical angle (cCA) by fixing the    patients [the suspension and excision (SE) group]
           submental-sternocleidomastoid angle (SSA) at 90°. [7]   underwent elasticum suspension with skin excision
           Thereafter, cCA could be calculated as mCA plus 90°   (face, 22; neck, 9; face and neck, 3). However, 12
           minus SSA (cCA = mCA + 90° - SSA) [Figure 4].      patients underwent elasticum suspension without skin
                                                              excision [suspension-only (SO) group: face, 7; neck, 9;
           Three distances were measured in relation to ear   face and neck, 3] [Table 2].
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