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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                     Clinical pathway for an efficient wound care center

                                                              established, wound inpatients were referred to different
                                                              specialized departments such as dermatology, surgery,
                                                              and  internal  medicine,  where  wound  management
                                                              care  was  limited  to  that  department’s  particular
                                                              function. And the wound consultant by plastic surgeon
                                                              usually took a few days even in urgent cases. In wound
                                                              management  pathway,  without  an  uncertain  waiting
                                                              period,  senior  consultants  can  approach  patients  in
                                                              person  with  professional  wound  assessments  and
                                                              perform  immediate  debridement  on-site  as  needed
                                                              [Figure  1].  The  therapeutic  process  lags  and  can
                                                              be  delayed  because  the  chronic  wound  may  need
                                                              a  series  of  debridement  and  regular  follow-up.  The
                                                              coordinator (nursing staff) also assisted the consultant
                                                              in scheduling follow-up appointments at the center as
           Figure 1: The conceptual framework for wound management   clinically needed. The wound care center provides not
           service contains three steps, including patient entry/on-site   only one-time wound care, but also a complete program
           debridement, wound re-evaluation, and individual wound bed   of care including further education and prevention for
           preparation. If the ambulation is possible, we will visit the patient
           at WCC and do the wound management service including   patients and families.
           debridement or wound care advice. If not, we will go to bed side for
           visit. OR: operating room; WCC: wound care center  After being referred and completing the first visit and
                                                              debridement,  the  patients  proceeded  to  step  two,
           chronic wounds through the stages of healing, reduce
           infections or complications, and prevent future chronic   wound re-evaluation, including neurologic evaluation,
           wounds  as  well  as  restore  the  functional  activities   vascular  evaluation  (e.g.  Ankle-Brachial  Index),  and
           of  daily  life.  Although  the  benefits  of  wound  care   the  TIME  concept  (Tissue,  Infection/Inflammation,
           service  and  multidisciplinary  teams  care  have  been   Moisture  imbalance  and  Edge  of  wound).   Wound
           well discussed, [1-3]  there is a practicing gap about the   size is measured by the longest length and width of
           establishment of an efficient referral system. Patients   the  wound.  All  individual  patient  wound  profiles  are
           are often confused regarding whom to see for wound   organized into our data bank, which can be analyzed
           care,  and  simply  receive  wound  treatment  by  the   for wound care efficacy and follow-up.
           individual specialists they visit, in which the specialists
           may not actively track wounds unless they are consulted   The third step includes setting up the individual wound
           again.  And  healthcare  providers  (plastic  specialists,   care plan based on the results of wound re-evaluation
           dermal  specialists,  general  practitioners,  nurses)   in step two. Emphasis is placed on the importance of
           also  found  it  difficult  to  manage  wound  care  across   wound  bed  preparation  (using  TIME),  early  referral
           disparate  levels  of  departments.  Furthermore,  a  lack   between members of the multidisciplinary team, such
           of organization and specific space may postpone the   as  vascular  team,  hyperbaric  oxygenation  therapy,
           accurate  screening  and  debridement  on-site  and  on-  further  education  and  prevention.  Offloading  must
           time. Therefore, the establishment of clinical pathway   therefore be addressed in a timely manner.
           for wound management service/pathway is crucial.
                                                              THE EFFICIENT REFERRAL SYSTEM FOR
           WOUND MANAGEMENT PATHWAY                           WOUND CARE CENTER
           The  wound  management  pathway  consists  of  three   Multiple studies have supported the efficacy of protocol-
           steps. The first step is patient entry and onsite immediate   based treatment for pressure ulcers, venous stasis ulcers,
           wound  debridement,  which  indicates  the  patient   and diabetic foot ulcers. [5-7]  Edwards et al.  confirmed
           referral  process  where  wound  center  clients  were   that  the  implementation  of  evidence-based  protocols
           referred from outpatient clinics and inward consultants.   for wound assessment and treatment was significantly
           The wound care service is initiated once the physician   related to improve healing outcomes. The principle of
           from  any  other  departments  considered  wound  care   wound care protocol is easy to comprehend, but the
           service necessary. The patient is scheduled for a visit   execution of the clinical efficient wound management
           to the wound care center by the coordinator, and the   service is complicated and needs a standardized and
           appointed doctor can meet the patient and family on   well-integrated  multidisciplinary  team  with  specific
           the arranged day to discuss the wound condition with   capacity. The main reason for difficulty in wound care
           them.  Before  the  wound  management  pathway  was   is the poor referral system, which may be attributed to
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