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Barel et al.                                                                                                                                                                                          Ultrasound body contouring

           not shown on the device’s control panel.           Table 1: Subject demographic characteristics
                                                              Characteristics  High power  2  Low power  2  P
           Abdominal circumference measurement                              (Isppa 440 W/cm ) (Isppa 370 W/cm ) value
           At baseline (prior to treatment, day 1), each      Subjects number  38.02 ± 1.10  34.21 ± 1.44  0.0407
                                                              Age, years
           subject’s abdominal circumference was measured     Weight, kg      61.38 ± 1.64   63.65 ± 1.19  0.2804
           independently by 3 trained operators who were blinded   BMI, kg/m 2  22.89 ± 0.50  23.57 ± 0.35  0.2786
           to the group allocation. All used the same standardized   Height, cm  164.26 ± 1.43  164.12 ± 1.22  0.9396
           calibrated tape according to the same standardized   Fat thickness, mm  25.87 ± 1.70  27.15 ± 1.98  0.6247
           and  validated  technique,  ensuring  that  subject   Data shown as mean ± SE. BMI: body mass index
           positioning, posture, and breathing were consistent for
           all measurements. All measurements were performed   RESULTS
           in the same anatomical spots, while standing in a
           standardized position. On days 14 (2 weeks after the   Subject disposition and baseline demographic
           first treatment), 28 (4 weeks after the first treatment),   characteristics
           56 (4 weeks after the second treatment), and 84    All 36 subjects completed the study protocol with 19 in
           (4  weeks after the third treatment), measurements   the high-power group and 17 in the low-power group.
           were repeated in the same manner, at the same height   There were no between-group differences in mean
           (per individual), in duplicate. The circumference of the   weight, height, body mass index, or abdominal fat
           untreated thigh area was also measured at all visits to   thickness [Table 1]. Ages ranged from 30 to 45 years.
           serve as a control measurement.                    Mean age was significantly lower in the low-power
                                                              than the high-power group (34 vs. 38 years, P = 0.04),
           Adverse events and patient satisfaction            but this 4-year difference had no clinical relevance
           At each follow-up visit, subjects were examined for   with respect to abdominal circumference reduction.
           adverse events related to the treatment, and local skin
           reaction. Adverse events were recorded as Medical   Objective efficacy endpoints
           Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) codes.   Both study groups showed a statistically significant
           In addition, the subjects were asked to complete a   reduction in circumference of the treated area compared
           satisfaction questionnaire, as follows:            to baseline at all time points, with the exception of
           (1) Has there been a visible change in your body contour   the low-power group on day 14 (P = 0.113), and a
           since the beginning of the study? (yes, favorable change/  cumulative reduction over time [Table 2 and Figure 1].
           no change/yes, unfavorable change)                 On day 28 (4 weeks after the first treatment), the mean
           (2) Have other people commented on a change in your   reduction in abdominal circumference was 1.65 cm in
           bodily appearance? (yes, favorably/no comments/yes,   the high-power group (P < 0.001) and 0.87 cm in the
           unfavorably)                                       low-power group (P = 0.019). On day 56 (1 month after
           (3) Would you recommend this procedure to your     the third treatment session), the mean reductions in
           friends? (yes/no)                                  the respective groups were 2.14 cm (P = 0.002) and
           (4) Is the Contour I™ system preferable to liposuction?   1.62 cm (P < 0.001), and on day 84, 2.56 cm (P < 0.001)
           (yes/no)                                           and 1.49 cm (P = 0.012) [Table 2 and Figure 1]. The
                                                              subjects’ weight remained generally constant during the
           (5) How would you grade pain from the treatment on a   entire period of the study; the overall change in weight
           scale of 1-10?
                                                              did not exceed 1.6% of baseline, with no between-group
                                                              difference [Table 2].
           Statistical analysis
           Data were analyzed with SAS software, version 9.1 (SAS   The high-power group showed a greater and a more
           Institute, Cary, NC). Paired t-test and nonparametric   consistent reduction in abdominal circumference than
           signed-rank test were used to analyze differences   the low-power group, but the difference did not reach
           in circumference within each study group by time.   statistical significance.
           Student t-test and Wilcoxon rank rest were used to
           analyze differences in the reduction in circumference   Analysis of the control (thigh) areas yielded an increase
           at each time point between the study groups. Mantel-  in circumference in both groups at all study time points
           Haenszel chi-square test or linear regression was   [Table 3 and Figure 2], with the exception of the low-
           used to examine P values or trends during the study   power group on day 14 (no change). There was no
           and follow-up periods. All tests applied were two-tailed.   statistically significant difference in mean internal-
           P values of 5% or less were considered statistically   control circumference between the groups (data not
           significant.                                       shown). However, a statistically significant difference

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