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mass media have made aesthetic rhinoplasty one of the   dorsal hump, supratip nasal deformity, septal deviation, and
         most frequently requested aesthetic operations worldwide.   dorsal irregularities. No congenital deformities were present
         Aesthetic rhinoplasty carries tremendous potential for   in the cases. Secondary rhinoplasty patients were excluded
         contouring, improving harmony,  and improving  the   given the greater risk of issues with self-esteem and body
         proportions of  a  patient’s  facial aesthetics,  but  patients   image. Those with both functional and aesthetic complaints
         occasionally demand too much of the rhinoplasty procedure.  (n = 7) were asked about their  main  objective  and were
                                                             categorized accordingly.
         Aesthetic  plastic surgery  deals with  the  psychosocial
         problems of patients in addition to their medical condition. In   Measures
         the past several decades, researchers have begun to explore   Demographics
         the psychology underlying cosmetic surgeries. This aspect   A questionnaire consisting of information about the patient’s
         of cosmetic surgeries has two major aspects, the surgeons’   age,  gender,  marital  status,  educational background, and
         viewpoints and the patients’ points of view. The opinions   subjective  socio-economic  status  (SES)  was  used as  the
         of surgeons on this subject vary and have not been studied   demographic questionnaire.
         comprehensively. For patients, the strongest motivation
         for undergoing  cosmetic surgery is  body dissatisfaction,   Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale
         as their physical appearance constitutes an important part   Global self-esteem was measured by the Rosenberg Self-
         of their self-esteem.  Body image refers to the way people   Esteem Scale  which contains 10 items to be scored on a
         perceive their bodily appearance   and  consists of several   four-point Likert scale. Higher scores correspond to more
         components. Sarwer et al.  introduced a theoretical model of   positive levels of self-esteem. Scores can range between 10
         the association between body image and aesthetic surgery in   and 40, with scores below 21 indicating low self-esteem.
         which the two basic parts of body image, valence and body   Response options were provided ranging from “strongly
         image value, play a crucial role.  Body image valence refers to   disagree” to “strongly agree” and were coded from 1 to 4.
         the importance of body image to one’s self-esteem, whereas   Therefore, the maximum and minimum scores were 40 and
         body image value describes the extent to which one is satisfied   10 respectively. Cronbach’s alpha in the current study was
         with her/his physical appearance. According to this model,   0.86.
         those whose self-esteem highly depends on their appearance
         and those who have significant body dissatisfaction levels will   Procedure
         consider cosmetic surgery.                          All participants from  both groups completed the
                                                             questionnaires  preoperatively.  Informed consent letters
         Self-esteem is one of the psychological aspects of aesthetic   were also collected prior to administration of tests.
         surgery which has received increased attention in the past
         few decades.  Self-esteem refers to how much people value   Statistical analysis
         or accept themselves for whom and what they are. It has   Data entry and analysis were performed in a blinded fashion
         also been defined as one’s attitude towards oneself or one’s   by personnel who were not involved in the process of data
         opinion or evaluation of oneself,  which may  be  positive,   collection. All tests were 1-tailed due to the hypothesis and P
         neutral, or negative.  It has been shown that satisfaction   < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Additionally,
         with one’s own appearance  (positive body image) and   Levene’s test was performed for assessment of equality of
         self-esteem are relatively strongly correlated, especially in   variances. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical
         women.                                              Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.
         Empirical studies  support the notion that aesthetic   RESULTS
         rhinoplasty patients show low levels of self-esteem. [16,17]
         This study aimed to compare the mean score of self-esteem   Twenty-one patients  seeking  aesthetic  rhinoplasty and 21
         between  aesthetic rhinoplasty candidates as cases and   patients seeking functional rhinoplasty participated in this
         functional rhinoplasty patients as the control group.   study. The mean age in the functional rhinoplasty group was
                                                             27.48 years (SD = 10.40) and that of the aesthetic rhinoplasty
         METHODS                                             group was 25.57 years (SD = 7.06). No significant difference
                                                             was observed between means (P > 0.05). The demographic
         Participants                                        information is summarized in Table 1.
         A total of 42  surgical patients (28  females and 14 males)
         were recruited for this study using the convenience sampling   Using  the  t-test  for independent  groups,  analysis  of  the
         method from a surgical clinic in Tehran, Iran. All patients   data demonstrated that the mean self-esteem score in the
         had been scheduled  to undergo plastic surgery in winter   aesthetic surgery group was significantly lower than that
         2012. Approval from the ethics committee of the Rhinology   of the  functional surgery  group (P  <  0.01). Age,  gender,
         Research Society and Tehran University of Medical Sciences   SES,  and educational backgrounds were analyzed and no
         and informed consent were obtained. Twenty-one patients   significant differences were found between the two groups
         who needed functional rhinoplasty surgery were recruited   (P > 0.05). Moreover, the Levene’s test for equality of
         as the control group while 21 cases of aesthetic rhinoplasty   variances was not significant (P > 0.05). Independent t-test
         were included as the study group. The deformities included:   details are presented in Table 2.
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