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soft tissues, hard tissues or a combination of both and may be   retrospectively studied. Information was sourced from patient’s
         congenital or acquired in origin.  Congenital defects include   case notes and operating theatre register. Information retrieved
         cleft lip/palate, maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia. Acquired   included age, gender, indication for surgical reconstruction, type
         defects may result from trauma, surgery or infections. Generally,   of forehead flap, duration of hospital stay and complications. All
         the main etiological factor in acquired orofacial defects varies   patients agree with this publication and use of photographs.
         from one environment to another.
                                                             Preoperative planning
         Reconstruction of orofacial tissue defects may be undertaken   The superficial temporal artery was assessed preoperatively by
         as an immediate or delayed procedure. Traditionally, the   palpatory method only. This involved the identification of its
         reconstructive ladder approach has been advocated in soft tissue   outline and feeling the strength of its pulsation. The position
         defect reconstruction and this allows a stepwise option from the   of other axial vessels of the forehead was planned based on
         simplest to the most complex procedures. These procedures are   established anatomical guidelines. Presence of significant scars
         healing by secondary intention, primary closure, skin grafting   along established axial vessels of the forehead which may
         and use of local, regional and free flaps techniques. However,   indicate vascular compromise were also excluded. Patients for
         recently the concept of reconstructive escalator or elevator has
         been advocated since reconstruction should be individualized to   complete forehead flap raising were instructed to shave their
         each patient and not based on a rigid approach. [5,6]  hair but preserve the hairline.

         Despite  advances  in  soft  tissue  reconstruction  using  free   Surgical procedure
         flaps, pedicle flaps are still relevant in functional and aesthetic   Reconstruction was carried out as a two or three (if debulking
         rehabilitation of patients.  Free flaps provide enough volume   is necessary) stage procedure involving initial flap raising and
         of tissue for reconstruction; they are more resistant to   transfer, followed by flap division usually after a period of
         radiation injury (which is important cancer patients requiring   three weeks, and finally debulking of the reconstructed site.
         radiotherapy); allow for unrestricted flap repositioning, and   When complete forehead flap was raised, split thickness skin
         achieve optimal reconstruction with resultant reduction   graft from the thigh was used to cover the flap donor site
         in the cost and morbidity often associated with repeat   either intraoperatively or 24-48 h postoperatively (to reduce
         surgeries due to failure of suboptimal reconstructions using   operating time  or allow for adequate hemostasis)  on the
         locoregional flaps.  However, use of free flaps is technique   dental chair, secured with sutures and a pressure dressing
         sensitive,  involves  prolong  procedure,  require  extensive   applied on the  forehead to  prevent  hematoma  collection
         postoperative monitoring, may be relatively contraindicated   under the skin graft.
         in some patients with co-morbid conditions, and there may be
         aesthetic problems such as flap bulkiness, colour and texture   The critical aspect in successfully raising a complete forehead
         mismatch. [9,10]  Locoregional flaps have reduced vulnerability   flap is the plane of dissection close to its base to avoid damage
         to infection and thrombosis; they are much easier to raise   to the nutrient vessels. The key is to initially raise the flap
         and transfer when compared to free flaps, and usually provide   supraperiosteally from one end of the forehead until the
         excellent colour match. Limited reach of locoregional flaps,   temporalis fascia is encountered on the contralateral side. Once
         difficulty in achieving three-dimensional reconstruction   the temporalis fascia is encountered on the contralateral side,
         or  cover  extensive  tissue  defects,  and  occasional  need  for   dissection with scissors should follow a connective tissue plane
         multistage procedure are some of its limitations.  Moreover,   above the fascia to preserve the nutrient vessels of the flap.
         locoregional flaps frequently have complications in irradiated
         fields and may require specific patient positioning to raise. [9]  Classification
                                                             Forehead flap was classified as either complete (if the whole
         In current practice, locoregional flaps are still important for head   forehead tissue between hairline and supraorbital rim was
         and  neck  reconstruction  in  environment  where  microvascular
         free tissue transfer is not feasible. In technologically developed   mobilized from a point perpendicular to the lateral canthal
         environment, they are used as rescue flaps following free flap   region on one side to the corresponding point or beyond
         failure and in patients with relative contraindications for free flap   on the contralateral side) or partial (if only a part of the
         transfer such as the presence of co-morbid medical conditions. [12]  forehead tissue was mobilized), while timing of flap division
                                                             was classified as early (less than 16 days), conventional
         The forehead region over the years has remained the best donor   (between  16-28 days) or delayed (greater  than 28 days).
         site for nasal reconstruction, having the advantage of textural,   Reconstruction was classified as immediate (if done within
         thickness and colour match.  Different types of forehead flaps   24 h following defect formation) or delayed (if done after
         with axial or random pattern blood supply have been described.    24 h following defect formation), and two stage (initial flap
         The aim of this study therefore is to review the use of forehead   raising  and flap division  later)  or three  stage  (initial  flap
         flap in orofacial reconstruction, highlighting our experience in   raising, flap division and secondary debulking of recipient
         the management of forty-three cases.                site).

         METHODS                                             Data retrieved was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
                                                             Sciences (SPSS) version 16 and Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
         All patients who had orofacial reconstruction using forehead flap   Findings from descriptive statistics were represented in the form
         at a regional teaching hospital from April 1991 to June 2014 were   of graphs, tables and charts.
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