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the leg muscles was preserved in this case, the insensate
                                                              foot can be equally disabling due to loss of position
                                                              sense  and predisposition to injuries  to the plantar foot.
                                                              Atrophy and vasomotor changes  complicate the  injury.
                                                              Furthermore, the paralysis of the intrinsic muscles of the
                                                              foot leads to deformities over a period.
                                                              These patients need to protect their feet from injuries
                                                              till they regain the protective sensations. Importance of
                                                              the  care  of  the  insensate  part  has  to  be  stressed  during
                                                              each follow‑up visit.  At the initial visit,  the exploration
                                                              of the  wound for debridement  and assessment  of injury
                                                              and the  middle  third of the  leg  for assessing  the  status
                                                              of the proximal stump were necessary. We feel that these
                                                              could have been possible through  two separate incisions
                                                              to decrease scarring. The nerve reconstruction also would
          Figure  5:  Picture from the progress note: showing an easy way of   have been possible at a later date through the same scars
          monitoring the recovery
                                                              by tunneling the nerve grafts subcutaneously. In this case
                                                              as the initial scar was present we went through the same
          can be  considered  analogues  to  brachial plexus  injuries   scar for reconstruction.
          where the forces involved usually avulse the nerves from
          a relatively fixed point. This may also help in explaining   In a selected and cooperative patient, nerve grafting in
          the fact that the upper roots are either avulsed or   lower extremity can result in rewarding results.
          ruptured (as they have few branches in the neck), but the
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