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simultaneously or in stages. If it is assumed that the penis   signed the corresponding informed consent. The age of
          is  a cylindrical body, a more successful outcome should   patients ranged from 23 to 57  years with a mean age of
          seek to increase the entire volume (diameter and length)   38  years. All cases of girth enhancement with fat grafts
          than only one of the dimensions [Figure 1]. There is only   were performed under local anesthesia with sedation on an
          one exception to this approach which is the treatment of   ambulatory basis; composite phalloplasty were performed
          a buried or partially buried penis. In this case, given the   under spinal anesthesia on an ambulatory basis as well. All
          importance of adequate pubic skin redraping and marking   pre and postoperative measures and pictures were taken in
          the new peneopubic angle, the author recommends girth   forced flaccidity (applying a light traction on the penis for
          enhancement in a second staged step.                about 3 s). Postoperative measurements were scheduled on
                                                              the day after the operative procedure and again at 1, 4, 6,
          An important factor that is difficult to standardize is the   and 12 months postoperatively.
          measurement  of  penile  length  and girth  in  flaccidity and
          erection. Several ways to do this are postulated, with the   Girth enhancement with fat grafting
          main  objective  of  obtaining  an  accurate estimate  of the   The technique of fat grafting used in this series has been
          increase in these measures in postoperative follow‑up for   published previously. [2,3]  Briefly, lipoaspirate is harvested
          comparative purposes. As  a  general  rule the  established   with a 20‑hole 3  mm cannula  (Quirumat, Spain). The
          mean normal values of flaccid length are between 7.2 cm   lipoaspirate is washed with Ringer’s lactate, and layer
          and 11.0 cm measured from the peneopubic angle to the   separation is obtained by decanting for about 30 min. Once
          tip of the glans, with an average of 9.5 cm. A normal girth   processed, the washed fat is injected under the dartos and
          will vary between 7.7  cm and 12.0  cm, with  an average   Buck’s fascia. The  engrafting process  must  be performed
          of 9.56  cm.   It  is  extremely  important  that  the  surgeon   with extreme  caution, placing fat fragments of  no
          standardize the method for taking these measurements to   > 3 mm in diameter to ensure a proper take and prevent
          maintain consistency in daily practice.             necrosis  and  cyst  formation.  Whether  girth  enhancement
                                                              is performed alone or in combination with suspensory
          The author presents his experience in a retrospective   ligament release, the infiltration cannula is advanced
          study of 275  augmentation phalloplasty  procedures.   from the peneo‑pubic angle towards the preputial skin or
          The  final analysis  focuses on the  main  increase  in  penis   circumcision scar. The fat is injected in a retrograde fashion
          measurements  (girth  and length) in  the  flaccid state  and   and distributed all around the girth; this is tailored to the
          the stability of improvement over time.             needs of each patient, from the peneo‑pubic angle to the
                                                              coronal sulcus scar (if the patient is circumcised) or to the
          METHODS                                             foreskin proper (if he is not circumcised). The distribution of
                                                              fat is particularly important in the penis foreskin to prevent
          The author analyzed retrospectively the outcomes of   unaesthetic nodules or bulges or the presence of an offset
          275 augmentation  phalloplasty  procedures  performed in   devoid of fat when the patient removes the foreskin. This
          259  patients. The main motivation for all patients was to   technique can be performed alone (127 + 16 cases in our
          achieve greater penis size without the development of any   series) or preferably at  the  same  time as  the  suspensory
          form of impotence or sexual dysfunction. Mean preoperative   ligament release (148 patients in our series).
          penis dimensions in the flaccid state were 8.9  cm in
          girth  (range, 6.5-10.2  cm) and 9.2  cm in length  (range,   The behavior of fat grafted to the  penis  is  mostly  the
          7.4-12.2 cm). Of the 275 procedures, 127 underwent girth   same as when performed in other body areas. Although
          enhancements with fat grafting and 148 were undertaken   postoperative swelling  usually  takes  about  6  weeks  to
          for  composite  phalloplasties  (girth  enhancement  with  fat   disappear, the volume loss in the grafts should  stabilize
          grafting and  length improvement by suspensory ligament   by 3-4 months; at this timepoint the improvement in girth
                                                              must be stable.
          release). In 16  patients, these procedures were performed
          in two surgical stages, not < 6 months apart. All patients   Composite augmentation phalloplasty
                                                              Figures  2 and 3 summarize the sequence of steps
                                                              performed during suspensory ligament release as done in

                                                               a                b
          Figure  1:  The  penis  can be  approximated  to a  cylinder,  and thus,
          enhancement of girth and length at the same time improves real volume.   Figure 2: (a) Anatomy of the suspensory ligament: (A) deep neurovascular
          From left to right: original size, length improvement, girth improvement,   bundle; (B) suspensory  ligament;  (C) surgical approach. (b) Pick‑ups are
          both simultaneously                                 shown grasping the most caudal and superficial aspect of the ligament
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