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in the mid‑1980’s and continues to be used due of its limitations of the techniques. Patients with unrealistic
versatility. expectations that do not understand this information
must be discouraged from the procedure because the level
Traction treatments are the only ones able to achieve of disappointment will likely be very high. It is extremely
effective length improvements of the penis, producing important not to assure the patient that any type of result
an increase in actual tissue mass and at the same time will be an improvement; patients should understand that
“softening” the corpora cavernosa fascial and osseous it is possible to see no improvement, an event caused
attachments. The combined use of both types of usually by an inadequate scar contraction.
treatments (suspensory ligament release and extender
use) can produce the best outcome by extending the Composite augmentation phalloplasty techniques are safe
“hidden” part of the penis with generation of additional and reproducible and yield satisfactory results if properly
tissue. All penis lengthening techniques are based performed. Although apparently easy to perform, a
on the release of natural physiologic anchors that thorough knowledge of anatomy and grafting techniques
bind the corpora cavernosa to the pubic symphysis, is needed to get good results and avoid complications.
isquiopubic bone branches, and abdominal aponeurotic Volumetric enhancement by ligament release and
expansions. Although this lengthening can be performed cutaneous advancement together with an increase in
through a simple transverse incision or even using an girth with fat grafting is probably a safer option, with
endoscope (not published), a number of ancillary skin better results and lower morbidity. The future of penis
advancements can be performed to ease ligament release enlargement will be enhanced with techniques that
and to procure advancement and stabilization, and thus provide dynamic improvements in size, possibly through
prevent length loss due to scar contracture. In this the use of tissue engineering.
regard several techniques have been published such as
M‑plasty (popularized in China and reported by Reed ), REFERENCES
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32 Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 1 || Jan 15, 2015