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RESULTS                                             The comparison of primary  contraction values between
                                                              square‑  and circle‑shaped FTSG specimens  was not
          In the first part of the study, comparison  was made   statistically significant (P = 0.14). The circle‑shaped STSG
          between the contractions of FTSGs and STSGs. The initial   specimens demonstrated a primary contraction ranging
          surface area of the FTSG specimens was 12.56 cm . After   from 12.6 cm  (0% shrinkage) to 11.9 cm  (5.0% shrinkage).
          excision  and defatting,  the  area  values  of  the  contracted   The mean area value of the circle‑shaped STSGs was 12.4
          skin grafts ranged from 12.6 cm  (0% shrinkage) to 9.3 cm    cm   and the  median  was  12.6  cm .  In  the  circle‑shaped
          (25.6%  shrinkage). The mean area value of the FTSGs   STSGs group, the mean percentage of graft shrinkage was
          after  primary  contraction was  11.1 cm   and the  median   1.1% and the median was 0% [Table 2]. The square‑shaped
          was 11.0 cm . The mean percentage of graft shrinkage   specimens showed primary contraction ranging from
          was 12.0% and the median was 12.2% [Table 1]. The initial   16.0 cm  (0% shrinkage) to 15.8 cm  (1.3% shrinkage). The
          surface  area  of  the  STSG  specimens  was  16 cm .  After   mean and median area values of the square‑shaped STSGs
          harvesting with the dermatome, the area values of the   were both 16.0 cm . In the square‑shaped STSGs group,
          contracted skin grafts ranged from 16 cm  (0% shrinkage,   the  mean percentage  of graft shrinkage  was 0.31% and
          1  specimen recorded)  to 13.30  cm   (17%  shrinkage). The   the median was 0% [Table 2]. The different shrinkage rates
          mean area value of the STSGs after primary contraction   between  square‑  and circle‑shaped STSG specimens  were
          was 14.9 cm  and the  median was 15.2 cm . The mean   not statistically significant (P = 0.33).
          percentage of graft shrinkage was 6.9%  and the median
          was 5.0% [Table  1]. FTSGs presented  greater  primary   DISCUSSION
          contraction than STSGs at a statistically significant level
          (P = 0.0011) [Table 1].                             Skin graft contraction is  a common problem resulting
                                                              in significant morbidity with restriction of joint mobility
          In the second part, the role of the skin graft shape on   and cosmetic  complications, often  requiring  multiple
          primary skin contraction was investigated.  The initial   corrective operations. Secondary contraction has received
          surface area of the circle‑shaped specimens of both   the most research emphasis due to the fact that it is
          FTSGs and STSGs was 12.6  cm  and the initial surface   clinically more important than primary contraction.
          area of the square‑shaped specimens was 16.0 cm . After   Secondary contraction  often results in severe effects
          excision  and defatting,  the  circle‑shaped FTSGs had a   on body function or patient appearance.  Studies on
          calculated  surface range from 12.3 cm   (2.0%  shrinkage)   the cellular  activity underlying skin graft contraction
          to 11.3 cm  (9.8% shrinkage). The mean area value of the   support a  most  probable  theory  that  the  contraction
          circle‑shaped  FTSGs was 11.8 cm  and the median was   occurs secondary  to the  differentiation  of fibroblasts
          11.7 cm . In this group, the mean percentage of graft   to  myofibroblasts  with  expression  of  α‑actin  filament
          shrinkage was 5.8% and the median was 6.9%  [Table  2].   bundles which exert an inward pull  on the wounds
          On  the other  hand, the  square‑shaped FTSGs ranged   edges. [1,9,10]  The myofibroblasts have contractile properties
          from 15.6 cm  (2.5% shrinkage) to 14.8 cm  (7.4%    similar  to smooth muscle cells and organize  their actin
          shrinkage).  The  mean  area  value  of the  square‑shaped   cytoskeleton along the lines of greatest skin tension. [1,11]
          FTSGs was 15.3 cm  and the median was 15.4 cm . In the   As the myofibroblasts are adherent both to one another
          square‑shaped FTSGs group, the mean percentage of graft   and to  the  fibronectin‑rich  wound bed,  the  entire  mass
          shrinkage was 4.2% and the median was 3.8%  [Table  2].   of granulation tissue  contracts.  Keratinocytes  may  also
          Table 1: First part of the study: comparison between contraction of FTSGs and STSGs
           Skin     Initial area   Mean area value   Mean percentage of        Mean         SD           P
           graft    value (cm )    after primary    area value of FTSG to   percentage of            t-test FTSG
           type                  contraction (cm )  the initial area value (%)  shrinkage (%)       versus STSG
           FTSG       12.56           11.5                 87.96               12.04       0.069       0.0011
           STSG        16             14.9                 93.13                6.87       0.052
           FTSG: Full thickness skin graft, STSG: Split thickness skin graft, SD: Standard deviation
          Table 2: Second part of the study: evaluation of the role of shape of skin graft in primary skin contraction
           Skin graft type    Initial area   Mean area value   Mean percentage of   Mean      SD        P
                                value     after primary   area value of FTSG to   percentage of     t-test circle
                                (cm )    contraction (cm )  the initial area value (%)  shrinkage (%)  versus square
           Circle shaped FTSGs  12.56         11.5               87.96             12.04     0.069     0.0011
           Square shaped FTSGs   16           14.9               93.13             6.87      0.052
           Circle shaped STSGs  12.56         11.83              94.17             5.83      0.021     0.142
           Square shaped STSGs   16           15.34              95.85             4.15      0.016
           FTSG: Full‑thickness skin graft, STSG: Split‑thickness skin graft, SD: Standard deviation
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