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play a distinct role at the early stages of contraction,   to  human  skin.   Pigskin  resembles  human  skin  in  both
          since  studies  have  shown that  keratinocytes  are  capable   structure and function, having similar sparse hair coating,
          of inducing collagen gel  contraction  in  vitro. [12‑15]  The   a relatively thick epidermis, similar turnover kinetics, lipid
          actinfilament  organization  within  keratinocytes  at the   composition, carbohydrate biochemistry, lipid biophysical
          wound margin appears to be responsible for the epidermal   properties, and – what is most relevant to the present
          “purse‑string  phenomenon”.   In  addition,  cytokines  and   study  –  a similar  arrangement of dermal collagen and
          growth factors such as ransforming growth factor‑β1,   elastic fibers. [9,18]  All these similarities establish the pig to
          insulin‑like growth factor and fibroblast growth factors   be an essential model in cutaneous research. Since in vivo
          have also been found to play a major  role in  secondary   experiments on primary skin grafts would  require grafts
          contraction.  Unlike secondary contracture, which is   of different shapes, minimum  dimensions  of 2 or 3  cm,
          the result of a prolonged biological process, primary skin   symmetrical  locations  of the  grafts  and suitable  controls,
          graft contraction is mainly an immediate physical change   human experimental material is not available.
          in  graft  dimensions  mediated  by  the  tough  fibrous  layer   In our study, the skin grafts were harvested from pigs,
          of the dermis, which is primarily composed of collagens,   resulting in standardized specimens in terms of size, shape
          glycosaminoglycans and elastins.
                                                              and location of the donor site and at the same time, skin
          Davis and Kitlowski  were the first to study the primary   behavior close to that of human skin. The substantial
          contraction of skin grafts. The authors used skin grafts from   differences  between  our  results  and  the  results  reported
          patients of various age and donor sites and recorded the   by Davis and Kitlowski,  however, point out the different
          percentage of skin contracture in relation to the thickness   primary  contraction  behavior  of  human  and  porcine  skin.
          of the graft. Their results showed that, regarding the   Although  similar  in  many  ways,  different  thicknesses  and
          “whole thickness skin grafts” (FTSGs), the mean amount of   possibly different  elastic properties  between  human  and
          shrinkage was 43.6% with little variations according to the   porcine skin may lead to different contraction behaviors
          donor  site. The  “half  thickness  skin  grafts”  (mid thickness   of skin grafts. Furthermore, the rate of primary skin
          split thickness STSGs) were presented with a mean shrinkage   contraction probably depends on donor site characteristics.
          of 24.86% and the “thick Ollier‑Thiersch grafts” (small grafts   Clinical experience shows that skin harvested from the
          with thinner periphery and thicker‑centered STSGs) with   backs  of  patients  presents  limited  contraction  when
          a mean shrinkage of 11.26% and 11.95% for abdominal   compared with skin grafts from other sites. Furthermore,
          and  thigh  donor  sites,  respectively.  The  very  thin  “true   there was one specimen from the STSG group of the first
          Ollier‑Thiersch grafts” (thin thickness STSGs) demonstrated   part of the study that surprisingly showed 0% shrinkage.
          a greatly reduced primary contraction of 1.24%.  According   Since 0% primary skin contraction before is rather unusual,
          to the authors, the shrinkage observed was in direct   we believe that this behavior was related to a specific
          relation to the amount of dermis included in the harvested   donor site and will be further investigated in upcoming
          skin grafts. Using specimens from humans, however, had   studies. Another possible reason for such a discrepancy
          the limitation that the grafts and their donor sites could   in skin graft shrinkage could be technical difficulties:
          not  be  standardized  according  to  the  site,  size  and  shape   harvesting  very  thin  skin  grafts  with  small  amounts  of
          of  the  examined  grafts.  Homogeneity  of  the  samples  was   dermismay have been responsible for graft contraction.
          further compromised due to variables like gender and age   The mean percentage of primary skin graft contraction
          of the studied subjects.
                                                              has found to be different in the two parts of the study,
          Other  authors had previously referred to the etiology of   with mean values for both FTSG and STSG contraction
          skin graft contraction, coming to the conclusion that the   showing inconsistencies between the study series. These
          network of elastic fibers of the dermis is responsible for   unexpected differences were probably due to the small
          its ability to stretch under the movement of the underlying   number of specimens in the second part, which did not
          tissues, as well as for the shrinkage of the skin graft.  In   yield statistically significant results. Furthermore, the use
          Ragnell’s study on the secondary contracting tendency of   of only one animal in the second part of the study may
          free skin grafts, the elasticity of circular pieces of rabbit   have magnified the role of biological variation, a matter
          skin was estimated using a manometer device. The author   that will be further investigated in future larger studies.
          concluded that  rabbit  skin  presented  uniform  elasticity,   To the best of our knowledge, primary skin contraction
          but no further studies on primary skin graft contraction   in relation to the shape of the skin graft has never been
          were performed. [16]
                                                              investigated before. In our study the mean graft shrinkage
          Skin is  a very complex, integrated,  dynamic organ   was 5.8% and 4.2% in circle‑shaped and square‑shaped
          that  has  many functions.  In  mammals,  the  primary   FTSGs, respectively  [Table  2]. The difference was
          functions of the  skin  include insulation  and temperature   more notable in the STSGs, where the circle‑shaped
          regulation, although the role of the skin as an endocrine   specimens showed graft shrinkage of 1.1%, whereas
          organ and a critical component of the immune  system   the square‑shaped present a mere 0.31%  [Table  2].
          cannot be  ignored.  Species differences in all of these   The difference recorded could be due to the relation of
          functions may dramatically alter skin behavior regarding   the line of contraction with the skin tension lines. Square
          its mechanical characteristics or drug absorption. When   specimens have one contraction vector that runs parallel
          barrier, pelage, vascular, endocrine and  immunological   to the direction of the skin tension lines, whereas the
          properties are considered en masse, pigskin is very similar   round‑shaped  specimens  have  multiple  contraction

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