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          Figure 1: Percentage of patients receiving skin‑sparing mastectomy (SSM) only or SSM with neaoadjuvant chemotherapy, vs. stage of breast cancer, for
          years 2007‑2009

          cancer.  In patients with skin involvement  or frank T4b   recipients,  however, are  not  more likely  to  progress to
          disease, NC has enabled an opportunity for SSM in patients   delayed reconstruction. Only younger age and lower BMI
          where skin involvement regresses clinically.  However,   seem  to  predict  delayed  reconstruction  among  patients
          little  has been  studied regarding  the  effects of NAC on   who do not undergo immediate reconstruction.
          IBR. Patients who receive IBR have better esthetic results,   Conversely, some patients undergoing NAC may develop
          better psychosocial outcomes, and lower costs of surgery   treatment fatigue and may be unwilling to undergo
          compared to patients who undergo delayed reconstruction   elective breast reconstruction. [28]
          or no reconstruction.   In  these  patients,  SSM  has clear   There are a number of limitations of our study. Since tissue
          advantages over non‑SSM in that it preserves the breast’s   expansion with two‑stage reconstruction can be used for
          three  dimensional architecture.  Furthermore,  many   patients short of breast skin, a more logical comparison
          studies have shown that SSM with IBR does not increase   assessing the impact of NAC on SSM‑IBR would evaluate
          local or distant recurrence, demonstrating the oncological   direct‑to‑implant, one‑stage implant reconstruction. Since
          safety of this technique. [2,18]  IBR after mastectomy is now   we were only beginning to use this technique at the
          routinely recommended for selected patients according to   time of the study, there were not sufficient patients in
          the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines.    the study cohort to examine this subject. In addition, our
          Compared with non‑SSM, SSM is far superior as regards   comparison  of  breast  skin  specimens  (as  noted above)
          cosmetic outcomes and is expected to remarkably reduce   makes this examination unnecessary. Direct comparison
          the emotional trauma due to the sense of loss of a breast   between NAC and non‑NAC groups was confounded
          that is perceived by the patient just after surgery. [25]
                                                              because tumor size was statistically larger in the NAC
          Although  there  have  been  some  studies  on  the   group (3.5 cm vs. 3.1 cm for SSM patients), and there was
          usefulness  of SSM  in  locally advanced breast  cancer, [21,26]    a statistically higher proportion of stage III patients in
          its application is still debated. It is commonly approved   the NAC cohort. Patient cohort size did not permit us to
          that local control, prognosis, and risk of complications   confine statistical analysis only to patients with tumors
          are the same for SSM and NSSM, at least in stages 0, I,   larger than 3.5 cm or stage III patients. In addition, most
          and II. SSM is still considered to be contraindicated  for   patients  with  stage  III  disease  already  receive  NAC,  thus
          inflammatory  breast  cancer and breast  cancer with  skin   confounding this relationship. Of note, the authors found
          invasion.  So far,  no study had addressed  the  issue   an increasing percentage of patients undergoing SSM
          of the influence of clinical characteristics on the type   over the course of the study, most notably in Stage III
          of breast reconstruction, especially for patients with   breast cancer patients  [Figure  1]. While this is certainly
          advanced  breast cancer. We found similar utilization  of   multifactorial in nature, the use of NAC is a likely
          reconstructive modalities between non‑NAC and  NAC   contributor to this phenomenon. However, a full analysis
          cohorts, despite  the  increased  rate  of stage  III  patients   of this relationship is beyond the scope of this article.
          in the NAC cohort. The authors argue that NAC facilitates   Thus, far NAC has mainly  been  considered by medical
          higher stage patients to undergo SSM‑IBR, thus optimizing   oncologists as  a predictor of response  to chemotherapy
          care in these patients.
                                                              and by breast surgeons as a means to increase eligibility
          Previous reports have documented a decreased receipt of   for partial  mastectomy instead of mastectomy. However,
          breast reconstruction in NAC patients. Hu et al. revealed   its  use to reduce the morbidity  of mastectomy  in
          that  recipients  of  neoadjuvant  therapy  are  less  likely  to   patients with Stage II and III breast cancer, including the
          undergo immediate reconstruction, even after controlling   need to resect breast skin and subsequently enhance
          for age, disease stage, and receipt of radiotherapy.    reconstructive outcomes, is an intriguing  possibility. In
          They assumed that, the average NAC recipient has a   this  large  single‑center  study,  we  found that  NAC  did
          28% chance of undergoing immediate reconstruction   not statistically increase the use of SSM,  but did affect
          compared  with  40%  for  the  average  patient  who   the types of reconstruction used. Further work  will help
          receives only adjuvant chemotherapy. These neoadjuvant   elucidate the role of NAC in IBR.

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