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Review Article                                     Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Nasal dorsal aesthetic lines and rhinoplasty

          technical tricks

          Alexander Kutubidze

          Department of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Esthetic Service Clinic, Tbilisi 0171, Georgia.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Alexander Kutubidze, Department of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Esthetic Service Clinic, Tbilisi 0171, Georgia.

                Rhinoplasty  surgery  remains  one  of  the  most  difficult  operations  of  the  face.  Improving  aesthetic
                appearance and maintaining nasal function are inseparable goals in rhinoplasty surgery, and failure
                to achieve either of these objectives can be devastating for the patient. After evaluating a variety of
                rhinoplasty complications, increased attention was devoted to the surgical technique for reconstruction
                of the dorsal aesthetic lines and nasal tip projection in the patient with a prominent dorsal hump. Based
                on the modern concept of cartilage conservation, the autospreader flap rotation technique should be
                considered when dorsal reduction is required. Autospreader flaps are a useful tool in the prevention of
                postoperative nasal obstruction, segmental (inverted V) appearance, midfacial axial asymmetry and an
                overdone supratip break. In addition, they assist in preserving ethnicity of the nose when desired. The
                patient with a long nose, prominent dorsal hump, short nasal bones and low lower lateral cartilages
                are considered to be an ideal candidate for an autospreader flap.
                Key words:
                Autospreader flap, nasal aesthetic anatomy, nasal dorsal aesthetic lines, open rhinoplasty, spreader graft

          INTRODUCTION                                        presenting  for  aesthetic  rhinoplasty,  with a  high  prevalence
                                                              of nasal deviation.  The functions of the nose, specifically
          The greatest challenge in primary aesthetic rhinoplasty   respiration, humidification, filtration, temperature regulation
          is the application of advanced anatomical, aesthetic and   and protection, are regulated by the septum, turbinates and
          ethnic principles to an individual case, thereby customizing   nasal valves (internal and external). [5,6]
          the procedure to achieve the most natural result for the   Therefore, every rhinoplasty surgeon should cultivate a full
          patient‑individualized treatment plan. [1,2]  Specific factors   understanding  of intranasal  and external  nasal anatomy,
          to  be  noted  during  the  preoperative  assessment  for  the   the  differential  diagnosis  for nasal obstruction,  and the
          optimization of aesthetic results include the patient’s   elements of a complete nasal examination, including nasal
          ethnicity, gender, nasofacial aesthetic and any specific   endoscopy. In addition, a comprehensive  analysis of the
          requests. The endonasal (closed) and external  (open)   face and a broad understanding of the long‑term effects
          techniques are the two main techniques used in both   of healing  forces  on the  ultimate  nasal aesthetic  and
          primary and secondary rhinoplasty. [3,4]  With both approaches,   function are required.  Knowledge of rhinoplasty medical
          the goals are to preserve or achieve normal airflow while   and surgical treatment options and side effects anatomical
          delivering  an  aesthetically  pleasing  and  natural  permanent   correlates can assist in anticipating them intraoperatively
          long‑term  result.  Multiple  studies  have  reported  that  nasal
          obstruction is a relatively common problem in patients
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                                                              For reprints contact:
                                                               How to cite this article: Kutubidze A. Nasal dorsal aesthetic lines and
                                   DOI:                        rhinoplasty technical tricks. Plast Aesthet Res 2015;2:315-9.
                                                               Received: 21-10-2014; Accepted: 22-10-2015

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